Phase 11: One Wish, part 1

Start from the beginning

Both me and Sotiris win both fights and we leave the arena in the late afternoon knowing we made it to Top 16. Maria, inspired by her victory over Nightingale, is also there. And, of course, also Isaiah. Now, when the most dangerous Champion is gone, everyone is motivated to maximum to win this tournamment.

We try to find some traces towards Nightingale, but she disappeared without a trace, taking her partner with her. Well, I wouldn't trust Célia after what Ryan and Katerina told us - she probably decided to play her Champion's criminal game and cover her.

She apparently picked money over morals and fair play. Her choice, but she can't expect us to go easy on her. She'll fall alongside her Champion.

"It's time we start thinking about the European Neoclash Showdown," Ryan says when we gather in the main room of our temporary house. "Nightingale will be especially careful now, so it'll be even harder to disclose her. However, we have to do it before or during the ENS since we can't allow her to win it out."

"Do you think she cheated last year?" Svetlana brings up.

"I'm certain about it," Sotiris says. "Probably all tournamments Nightingale was in were corrupt. But why? What's her goal? By winning the ENS several times, she had to become awfully rich. Does she want more money, or more power? Maybe both?"

"This is not just some everyday cheating," Ryan claims. "There are high-ranked employees of the Neoclash Association involved in her fraud. There has to be some bigger scheme behind it. And I don't want to wait until it's too late. You can do almost everything with the money she owns."

"You're not making me calmer," Svetlana utters.

"I'm not trying to make us calmer, but alert," Ryan replies. "After all, it was your weakness which threw us into this mess, and I can't tell if it's good or bad."

"Can you please stop reminding her of that?" Jensen bursts out and stands up from the couch; Sajid tries to calm her down."She already went through enough shit. Just tell me! If Nightingale just came to you and started to seduce you, would you resist, you goddamn virgin?"

"Nightingale is not my type," Ryan retorts.

While they're arguing, I leave the house. I have one more thing to settle... to try.


I'm more nervous than ever before. Outside, I hear jolly voices of the remaining contestants who are probably happy to be in one of Europe's richest and most advanced countries. Champion parties are nothing uncommon, but I choose to not participate in them.

Among the Healthy, the Champions have the reputation of wild, debauched people who are fond of alcohol, drugs and impulsive sex. Sadly, I have to confirm it to some degree. The area of Champion's estate is usually loud after sunset when there are Champions accomodated.

I walk past the park where the main party is happening and keep looking on the opposite side of the estate which is significantly quieter. There I finally find a large, lonely figure sitting on a bench in front of a koi pond. I carefully approach him and take a deep breath.

This is my last chance.

"Isaiah?" I say. "I know we... agreed to discontinue our relationship, but a lot of things happened since we met for the last time. Can you, please, hear me out? Just for this once?"

"You are as persistent as you used to be," Isaiah doesn't even look at me. "I'm afraid nothing you can tell me can change my mind. I'm dangerous and I don't want to hurt you. Also, we both have our new lives which would most likely collide if we tried to join them. You are making it only worse."

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