Phase 9: The Touch of Defeat, part 1

Start from the beginning

And Helena seems to react to it well. She's a fighter and she doesn't let the discomfort ruin her attitude. She's an inspiration for us all - maybe except Ryan. "I think it's my fate to be surrounded by loud, obnoxious girls," he sighs. "Neoclash seems to be the most reliable source of migraines."

I poke him. "But it's worth it, isn't it? Considering all the things that give you a migraine, you have to be used to it. Do you also keep a list of such things?"

"Yes," he utters. "Two hundred and eighty items. And counting."

With my newly found enthusiasm, I completely rocked the preliminary rounds and advanced into the finals from the tenth place - my best result so far. I also easily won my first final fight and advanced into the Top 32. Svetlana and Sotiris managed to do the same.

It would be great if one of us won the tournament. However, that probably won't happen.

High above us, Nightingale sits on the terraces like the queen of the hill. She looks us up and down and observes the fights with her condescending gaze. She's sitting next to Célia, her partner, in a long black cloak which even strengthens her menacing, mysterious stigma.

She's determined to rule this tournament. And I doubt any of us is strong enough to defeat her.

"I wish I could fight her," Svetlana says. "I bet nobody before me tried electric hands on her!"

"If any of you has the chance to defeat her, I'd say it's Sotiris," Ryan says. "His steady, defensive approach could effectively counter Nightingale's aggression, as seen during his fight with Maverick. He'd be able to counter her attacks, but he'd also have to score points himself which would be harder."

"Thanks for your faith in me," I utter. "I thought I am your Champion."

Ryan shrugs. "I'm just stating the facts."

"I still want to fight her!" Svetlana squeals. "I don't give a single shit about your facts, Doc. I went a really long way, you know. When these two bought me, I wasn't nearly as pretty as I'm now and I had only two fingers on each hand. And also atrophied leg. That's why I was so cheap."

"True, she was pretty. But pretty miserable," Jensen giggles. "But me and Sajid agreed that we'll risk it. If she won't become a Champion, at least we'd have a new friend. But we worked hard and..."

"And here I am!" Svetlana cheers. "Strong, agile and adorable. You can't deny."

"I guess you don't have problems with low self-esteem," Ryan utters.

"I guess you don't have problems with low self-esteem," Ryan utters

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Finally. I hear the vibrations of my pentop hidden inside my cloak. I reach for it and check it. I look at Célia next to me - fortunately, she's captivated by the fight going on in the arena. It's better for her to stay in the blissful ignorance. She knows about my nights out, but she thinks it's only sexual adventures. She has no idea about my secret tactics and I want to keep it that way.

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