
56 11 31

One Week Earlier

She could hear and see two black objects pounding loudly against the concrete. They emitted a booming sound that reverberated in her ears when they collided against the hard surface, but were at a distance in which she could barely make out their details.

The sound kept growing louder.

She needed to do something, and preferably soon, or else she'd be late.

Crossing to the left was too dangerous. Enormous beasts swiftly zoomed by that side, producing powerful gusts of wind each time one passed. She couldn't see what they looked like. It was all a fleeting blur, which left as soon as it came. All that remained, after their rapid pummeling against the gravel, was the scent of smoke and some other burnt material.

The path in front of her was the only route she could take. It would have ample space, if it weren't filled with various kinds of giants.

Black boots started coming into focus. They were near. The scent of synthetic material attacked her nostrils, along with humidity, sweat, nachos and an irresistibly potent one. It was hypnotic. At the last minute, she came to her senses and quickly swerved to the right.

The fat giant continued on. Obliviously concerned with a destination, as well as, the sub sandwich in his hands.

She struggled to breathe in the heavy air. It offered little comfort, but there were bigger obstacles to face.

One more block—that's all she needed—then, she would be safe. She ran as fast as she could.

White shoes.

She veered to the left.

Black shoes.

She veered to the right.

Charging forward, she ran in between looming pillars of legs. There were so many of them. Too many! It was exhausting.

A pair of blindingly glossy red heels clicked and scraped the surface of the sidewalk. They were headed in her direction. Instinctually, she turned and almost collided against a huge pair of brown shoes.

The man rapidly halted. Perhaps, a little too abruptly for his comfort, as his shoes skid across the grainy surface.

"Hey!" He screamed.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his body unstably wobbling in all directions when his feet fought for purchase.

"Stupid cat!"

She heard him yell before turning the corner, and reaching the alley.

Panting heavily, she cautiously took a few steps forward, but paused when she saw a figure at the far end. Her quick breaths, that were coming in sporadic bursts, were cut short when a sound startled her.

A groaning sound bounced from the walls and amplified throughout the area. Groups of rats skittered in the opposite direction. Some hid within trash cans and others behind the dumpsters lined up against the walls. A scraping and rustling sound came from the figure. She sniffed the air, but garbage was the only smell that surrounded the area.

It was hunched over and lazily hauled each foot against the ground as it approached.

Another groan.

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