Jack, Sam, Johnson and I arrive at the airport, they said goodbye to there families already. Jack's Mom dropped us off.

 “Thank you Drew, for everything, for making me realize I deserve better.” She whispered in my ear.

 “Anytime.” I smiled. After she hugged me last, one more wave, and she was driving off out of sight. Jim gave me the flight details as I introduced him to everyone. The boys were excited, they never have been on a private jet before. “Come on guys.”

 We walked up the stairs, and I swear their eyes lit up. “Shit Drew, this is yours?!” Sam asked.

 “Yeah, I guess it is.”

 We took our seats, and they raided the mini-fridge before we started our flight to the other side of the country. “What's the wifi password?” Johnson asked, as we got into the air.

 “Cameron dallas is an asshole, no spaces. Don't ask, Mahogany set it up.” I chuckle. “She was still very pissed.”

 “He really did fuck her over, didn't he.” Sam murmured.

 “You have no idea.”

 I sat next to Jack, we were watching something on his laptop, netflix. The other two were watching whatever on their laptops. I normally don't like flights, but I wouldn't mind flying with Jack everytime. Every few minutes he'd drop a kiss to my forehead, cheek, or lips.

 Enough passion in those kisses to make me feel more than heated. Sam hands Jack his phone, Jack scans it before handing it back. His jaw hardens, “why the hell is Aaron texting Sam asking to talk to you? That he's sorry?”

 “I'm ignoring him at the moment.”

 “Why?” He pushes.

“When I was in Florida, he called me, drunk.”

 “What did he say?”

 “You don't want to know.”

 “Tell me, now.” He said, trying to keep his voice down for the sake of the others.

 “He s-said he could fuck me better than you, that he wanted me in his bed.” I stuttered.

 “Did he make you uncomfortable?”

 “Extremely.” Then it hit me, I remember what he said that day Mahogany and Cameron broke up. That if someone made me uncomfortable, hurt me, that he wouldn't stop. “Don't hurt him Jack.”

 He glared, “I won't.”

 “Are you sure?”

 “Can't promise anything Drew.” He hissed, teeth clenched.

 I sighed, “Jack, please don't. For me?”

 “Why would he think that's okay to say to you? Surely he needs to get it through his head that you're mine. Maybe if I beat the idea into him, he'll understand.” Frowning, I leaned back in the seat. “Don't give me that look.”

 “What look?”

 “The 'I'm super pissed at you,' one.”

 “But I am super pissed at you,” I glared, “just don't hurt him Jack. I don't want access drama. Talk to him, ya know guy to guy.”

 “And if that doesn't work and he makes a pass at you?”

 “Then you have a real reason to be mad at him.”

 “Okay, fine.”

 I kiss his lips, it was meant to be a short one, be he pulls me to him. Kissing every ounce of anger in my body away. He claims me with his mouth, I moan forgetting the other people on the plane with us. I fist his hair between my finger's, he smiles wickedly at me.

 “Mine, all mine.” He whispers, his lips pressed to my neck.

 “Yours.” I whimper.


 I was counting down the seconds till I could see my best friend, five days was far too long. The second I got into the hotel, I left my boyfriend behind with his friends, I was running up the stairs to the third floor to our room.

 321, 322, 324, the rooms went in order as I passed them. In look of my favorite red head in the world. I knocked, finally finding the right room. As soon as the door opened, she wrapped her arms around me, “Drew!” She shrieked.

 “I missed you so much.” I gushed.

 “Me too babe, I need my daily dose of you every single day.”

 “Were Will and Preston good to you?”

 “Yeah, got all close and personal with Preston?”

 I raised an eyebrow, “huh?”

 “Not in the way you're thinking. I was sad, ya know? And he knew something was up, so we sat on the back porch drinking for three hours.”

 “Sounds like Preston.” I chuckled.

 “Heard about what Aaron said to you.”

 “Wait, how?” I ask.

 “Shawn told me, Sam told him, well Sam told everyone.”


 “Drama spreads like wildfire in our Magcon family Drew.” She said.

I nodded, “I know.”

 We sat around, ignoring the others. We had our girl talk, like usual. It was as if we were never apart from each other. Turning on Netflix, I laid down on the mattress. Mahogany scrolled through twitter, I was more in tune with my favorite television show, The Office.

 I wonder how many of the others have gotten here yet, I saw Carter and Matthew on the way up. But Nash crosses my mind. I know Hayes won't be back again for a few shows. And that I will eventually have to clear the air for him.

I don't exactly know how to do that, but I'll try. Explaining to him that a man can do all of that to me, one he trusts with his life. The thought still bewilders me. How somebody can do that to their own child? Hurt them, make them feel like nothing.

 I decided, to finally get up and talk to Aaron. To talk this out, hoping Jack hasn't gotten to him first. I text Shawn, knowing those two are always in a room together. I slipped on my shoes, walking to the elevator, taking it to the fourth floor.

 I knocked on the door, Aaron answered, holding an ice-pack to his eye. “Oh my god-” I gasp, “Please tell me you slipped and fell, that Jack didn't do that to you.”

 “No, he threatened me, then five minutes later Nash came in here, told me if I ever talked to you like that again I'd be dead and proceeded to punch me square in the eye.”

 “Nash did that to you?”


 But Nash doesn't care? He's sat for years, watching me get used as George's punching bag. Why would he suddenly choose now to care? He's said it himself, I'm nothing. I don't know what to believe, I run away from Aaron, leaving him.

 I feel like I am going to be sick, my stomach turning in fifty directions. I have to talk to Nash, now. Despite being scared of what he could do to me. I run, fast, down the hall until I reach his and Cam's room.

“Hey, what's up?” Cameron asks.

 “Where is Nash?”

 “I'm not sure, he told me to give you this though.” He said, handing me an envelope with my name on it.

 I take it from him, as he shuts the door going back to what ever he was doing. I tear open the white envelope, breathing hard, it's a piece of notebook paper, folding up. I unfold it, my hands shaking.

Drew Grier: A Broken GirlWhere stories live. Discover now