My Master's Coming.

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Chapter 8:

Pov: Jess

I was looking for the eggs through the isle between all those candy, canned goods, and ceral.

“Hmm where can I find them? Maybe, if I go here?” I walked in the direction of the dairy products soon after I found the eggs thankfully, since I was getting so frustated and annoyed but luckily my cell phone rang. I know cellphone? Really. It's more important to by food then other things that will make you bills skyrocket. I've learned to save money since i was little.

“Hello? Who’s this?” 

“Jessica where are you did you know how late you are get your ass down here or you’ll have to clean the whole café if your not here in 20 minutes.”

“Oh hey Lucy I see you never change. I love you kindness today its simply wonderful but I can’t hate to break it to you but im on my break remember?”

“But Jess we need you to idiot in here are causing a mess here and their demanding you come or they’ll” Lucy started to complaine, and whine like a kid.

Well the thing is Lucy isn’t all that mean she's actually nice but she puts up a big wall to separate her from everyone else because she scared of getting hurt again.

“Well okay I'm on my way but only for a little while” I sighed leaving the eggs down and ran out the store and took a ride on the bus to get to downtown to the café.

Pov: Justin

After 10 minutes after Jess Justin came in looking around for Jess.

But I couldn’t find her, I went all around asking people if they seen her. I saw the stacking boy or whatever you call him. I gave a description of Jess and he just stared it then shook his head.

So lucky I was in a hurry to help her or I would of...not the time, not the time for jealousy.

After searching the store, but luckily for me their was this old women cashier who knew where Jess was which made me feel so content that I'll finally find her.

“Oh yes that lassie I saw her looking around aimlessly until she found the eggs then when she was close to getting them her cell phone ringed. There was a girl named Lucy, I think who called her. and it was a long talk something like ‘hurry come quick two guys vandalizing or something to the café’ luckily I was stacking the cups huh.”

“Yes, thank you so much ma’am” I hurried over to the shop and ran my hardest to get their on time or at least catch the Broad's Bronzer Bustop. I know tongue twister but now I have to focus and I only have ten mintues to catch this but on this 25 mintue long walk to get there.

Fuck, I really hope I make it. 


Later on that cold day, Jess finally got off the bus after a 20 minute drive. She reached Camilla and opened the door and saw that there weren’t two men but a place in shambles

Pov: Jess

“LUCY” I ran over to her and saw her face shocked and clothing ripped.

“Lucy? What happened? Are you okay?” I offered her a hand but she jumped up and hugged me, tightly which is odd since she doesn't really like people touching her.

“Took you long enough Jess.”

“What happened to you?” Lucy smiled but I could tell it was a bit forced.

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