Don't Spill My Secret

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Chapter 2:

Pov: Jessica

Ugh 3rd period after this lunch, I hope I don’t lose my craving for bananas after this class. I still cant stop thinking about it.

“Good morning we have a new joining our class today” he said with a nuzzle voice. I wonder who it could be.

“You may have seen him around school.”

Oh no… it’s …

“Welcome Justin to our class.” Why Justin of all people.

“Humm where shall you sit, ah there's an empty seat next to”… please don’t make him seat next to me.

“Jessica, you can seat over there I know she’ll catch you up on all the work we did.”

“Thank you sir” all the girls were melting all over him but when he sat down they all glared at me.

 “Today class is working in pairs so move you desk over to the person next to you.”

Oh great of all days why now. Justin pushed he’s desk next to me while I was grabbing things to help us during science class. Justin passed a note saying

“Sorry I didn’t know you to where going out” I replied,

“We're not he said that for you to get off me”

“So it was a lie.”


“And your single?”



“Why that face it’s not a good thing”

"No reason, can you come over to my house today?”

“I can’t homework, unlike you I plan to get straight A’s, plus I have to go to work.”

“I forgot how not fun you are, and you never come over anymore”

"Hey, I'm plenty of fun and I'm way to busy to come over.”

“Yeah sure my mom misses you”

“Tell her I said hey”

“Back in the old days you were way fun and dressed cuter back then”.

“Ugh just focus if I drop from an A to a C or lower I wont ever come to your house or help you with anything :)”

“There you go again, ugh fine I'll leave you alone”

“Thank you”

“For now” he winked at me

“Ooh brother.”

After that he really worked hard, it’s weird I never saw him so concentrated on his work before he looks a bit cute doing his work like a little child. 

He smiled at me. I blushed then turned away. This never happened before so why now. He asked

“Afe you okay?” I was flustered but said.

“I – uh – yeah – um I'm fine” he smiled again and got closer but thanks to mean Queen Debby Ross but if she didn’t show up I don’t know what would of happened.

“Hey Justin, I haven’t seen you in awhile.”

“Debby. How have you been”. The conversation went on and on they didn’t even notice that the bell rang.         

“Hey Jess looks like Debby and Justin have chemistry.”

“You tell me they didn’t even notice that the bell rang.”

“I know right.”

“I’ll catch you guys later I need to meet up with Brittney, Monica, and the rest of the gang”.

“K catch yeah later.” I ran through the halls like lightning only hitting and apologizing to two people on the way, I finally reached the lunch room

Once I finally got to my table they all said

“What in the world are you wearing?”

“Are you guys so shocked of my dressing like this when you guys known me for years now.”

“It’s still shocking” said Annie “I agree” says Brian.

Brain and Annie have been going out since the beginning of time but they do have an on and off relationship at times.

“You would agree with her.”

“But it’s actually true.”

“Okay, okay you guys as long as she doesn’t show up to my party like that” said Mary acting her latest scene.

“Hey don’t worry I'll take her to the mall today anyway” said Annie. The rest of the group had private conversations. After lunch we went to fourth period.

When I walked into the class the teacher said I had to leave early I wonder why. After, my mom picked me up from school she said.

“I have an important business to take care of; I want you to look after your brother at work and work more hours since I won’t be home till three O’ clock or later.”

“Okay mom.”

Your probably wondering how come I can’t stay with my dad, that’s pretty hard since he died when I was 12 years old and 7 for my brother.

He died from a heart attack while having fun with a 24 year old but I cant be mad at her from splitting up are family, and taking our dad away over seas.

But she sends me gifts to make up for it but I never use them after that I just stop dressing cute and went normal but I still miss my dad it’s been four years.

“Hey Jess we’re here I don’t have to dress formal too right.”

“Of course you do we’ll make two times the money.”

“Ugh I was afraid of that.”

“Come on lets go.”

I dragged my brother into the store on that warm sunny day and they meet up with my manger Camille luckily she had the right suit for him to wear.

“Awe Alex you look so handsome.”

“Yeah whatever just turn into my not cheap, raggedy looking sis already.”        


“Jess we have customers waiting on you.”

I went to the locker and took off my street clothing and she wore a black and white dress that went up to her knees had lace on the bottom and was a bit fluffy on her shoulders like a mini pillow and it has black lacing on the back of the dress and a simple white apron in the front with her straighten brown hair that’s up to her back below the shoulders.

“Man, I still can’t believe this is my sister.” You guessed it. The reason I’m different and keep my self distant to most people is because I’m a 16 year old maid who works at Café dulce de Camille.

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