Chapter 7- Study Hall

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Everyone had just finished cleaning up Miss Rana's classroom. It took three periods to finish. Currently, it's lunch time for the whole school. I'm not sure why, but everyone has Lunch around the same time. Lunch normally lasts for an hour. I walk and talk with Stark. He's pretty cool.
"So...Have you heard about this C person? They give people information. Do you happen to know anything else?" Stark suddenly asks.
C! do I respond?
"I know they give people information, they are decent at hacking, and no on knows who they are. Just the basic things everyone else knows." I reply with straight face.
"I see..." Stark seems suspicious of me. Oh no...
"What are you going to have for lunch, Stark?"
"Oh! Umm...I made a soup and put it in a thermos. What about you?"
"I don't normally eat much, so I just have a container with rice balls."
" you want to eat lunch together, so we can talk some more?"
We go to the roof of the school, it's not ever really all that crowded there, and find a bench. We continue to talk and eat. I then feel my phone began to vibrate.
"Oh? Who's calling me?"
I take out my phone.

"Oh? Who's calling me?"I take out my phone

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"Oh, it's Sarah. I got to take this, talk to you later, Stark!" I say goodbye with a smile and turn away. I hit the green answer button, but I am then stopped by someone grabbing my wrist. I quickly realize it's Stark. I turn my head to see him...blushing? I think? It looks like an anime character's light blush. He is also avoiding my eyes.
"Umm...c-could I have your number? S-So we can talk more..."
He's stuttering? Ugh...why is he all of a sudden acting so cute?
"Sure! Hand me your phone." Stark does as told and I make myself a contact.
"Here. Text me later and tell me it's you, so I can get your number. Bye, Stark!" He lets go of my wrist after getting his phone back then tells me goodbye.
I look down at my phone and see Sarah hasn't hung up yet.
Me: Hey, Sarah! Sorry I was talking to someone....
Sarah: Oh? Does little Y/N finally have a boyfriend?
I feel my face heat up.
Me: N-No! He's just a friend.
Sarah: Right, Adrien...
Me: Now is not the time for referencing tv shows, what's up? Why did you call?
Sarah: Hahahaha...
Me: Why are you laughing? What's so funny?
Sarah: I thought this was supposed to be a love triangle book between you, Saeran, and 707...Hahahaha
Me: Huh?
Sarah: Nothing...Nothing, if any actually reads this trash they might be upset about the 4th wall break...anyway-
Me: So now we're getting to the reason you called.
Sarah: Haha, Yep! You have new information to give out?
Me: How...
Sarah: This morning I was watching the school security footage and I saw you printing out some files. I zoomed in on the files and they were about someone named...Sa...Sayoog?
Me: Saeyoung. That's 707 or Luciel Choi's real name. That's all I've really found out for now...
Sarah: you copied a file and gave it to him?
Me: I wanted to scare him...I wanted to see his reaction...
Sarah: Hahaha...Sadistic, much?
Me: Ha, Ha, very funny...
Sarah: Why the sarcasm? Anyways, what was his reaction?
Me: I found him crying in a bathroom the girls restroom...
Sarah is quite for a moment. She then begins to speak again.
Sarah: Do you you have feelings for this Vanderwood guy?
Me: W-What!!?? No!
Sarah: Also! Why do you call him Stark?
Me: He doesn't like the name Vanderwood, so I asked him what he would change his name to. He said he would change his name to Stark.
Sarah: Do you have feelings for Saeyoung?
Me: No!
Sarah: Do you have feelings for Saeran?
Me: No! Why are you asking these questions????
Sarah: For fun...also, I'm sick.
Me: ...what? You're sick?
Sarah: Yeah...I won't be at school for a few days...*yawn* I'm getting sleepy. I should probably rest so I can get well soon...Bye, Y/N!
Me: Bye, Sarah! Get well soon!

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