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Dear Diary,

Bliss. Delight. Contentment. Euphoria. Elation. Joy. Glee. Felicity. Jubilation. These are all words synonymous to the word 'happiness'. But these are just impersonal words. What is happiness like for you? What is it like for me?

Happiness is that feeling of butterflies fluttering around in your chest, trying to break out. Happiness is that invisible fluid rushing through your veins, making you shiver, in the most wonderful way possible. Happiness is the force that yanks your cheeks up into the widest smile and sprinkles that glitter in your eyes. Happiness makes you light-headed and giddy, it is in fact like alcohol. Well, then I, am utterly and completely drunk.

When you're happy, the entire world seems magical, even small insignificant things like getting up in the morning. The golden hue of sunlight streaming in through the curtains feels like a soft caress from the hand of a lover warming your skin. The birds seem to chirp sweetly outside, a melody to which the leaves sway as if mesmerised by their music. The curtains  around, seeming to tango with the wind. Every little thing seems perfect.

And that's a word I'd use to describe my life. Perfect.

To give you a little introduction about me, let me start by explaining the most important aspects of my life.

I have a loving family, well except for my brother Kieran. But I suppose all older brothers are infuriatingly sarcastic and snarky? But I do know that he loves me somewhere deep deep inside. My mom is like my second best friend. She is elegant yet quirky and I couldn't possibly have asked for a better mom. My dad is like the fun uncle in the family, constantly cracking dad jokes. He is strict about certain things but I think I'm glad for that too because it's the reason I turned out the way I am. Speaking of best friends, mine is Charlotte who is fantastically eccentric, by the way, and I love her to death. My boyfriend, Theo often seems unreal to me. I'd liked him for so long and created this fantasy version of him in my head and so I still can't believe that he's somehow surpassed my expectations.

So this is my life. The life of Tia-Jade Garcia.


Hello, to whoever is reading this. First of all, I want to say that this story is pretty...sad and it might be a trigger (as it contains minimal suicidal and depressing themes) for some, I don't know. So if you think you might be triggered then this is not the story for you (But it does have a happy ending).

Second of all, this is my first attempt at a short story, so if you have any suggestions, comments or anything at all feel free to share them. 

Hope you enjoy the story!

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