Mind cell

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It's been a week since this happened I don't know where voltron is and I'm starting to go insane

the room is cold I spent all of the heat trying to bust out of this place but nothing happened

yesterday zarkon sent me water

I drank it all quickly

I'm really hungry,hungrier than I've ever been but I won't scream or ask I won't I refuse

Is it just me or are the walls a slightly different shade of purple than they normally are

My stomach growls as I lay on the floor I'm so bored I start to contemplate life a bit "when the universe dies there will be nothing but nothing technically doesn't exists if you think nothing you imagine air or a black void but that's not nothing because nothing is something and even when the universe is gone the nothing still can't exists the nothing can't takeover    Ever" I mumble thinking deeper into it trying to imagine the nothing

Another day passes and all I've done is think of the nothing I get up immediately feeling dizzy but I ignore it and stumble towards the wall,touching it lightly

It's cold just like me and just like the air "you know hippo milk is pink" I say looking towards the camera I bet their confused I don't even know what a hippo is but apparently it's milk is pink "and the inventor of the waffle iron didn't like waffles"

I frown at the floor "what's a waffle" I mumble before looking at the camera opposite of the one I was previously talking to "I smell can I take a shower?" I ask I continue to talk to the cameras not once asking to be let free

Another week passes I think ,time is an illusion anyway

I laugh at my toes as I sing a song about pigs what's a pig?? I'm full of facts all of a sudden that I don't even know what half of the stuff I'm talking about is

Zarkon sent me a meal but I think I've become immune to foods cause I'm not hungry I no longer have that feeling in your stomach when you feel like your about to throw up and I'm so cold I've become numb literally my finger tips are grey and I have no energy in me I don't sleep because sleep is for the weak I look dead I'm pretty sure but whatever

Another week passes and a voice booms over my head "one week left darling not to late for that pleading?" I hear a voice other than my own and it's disconcerting I don't answer him I just keep staring at the floor trapped in my mind it's been hard

I keep hearing these voices telling me to focus but I don't know what to focus on so I just think about my childhood it was alright I've began to laugh uncontrollably at random times only calming down to pass out from exhaustion my skin is grey now

2 days before freedom

Everyday that voice booms over my head saying "it's not to late want to beg" or something like that but I ignore it my childhood is all I can think about more specifically the invasion I lift my head tears started running down my face as I thought of my brothers and my mum and dad and my whole family and all of my wonderful friends,the luscious grass and the wide oceans that would turn pink in the sunset

I laughed through my sobs "I want to go home" I said clearly I closed my eyes as I blinding light seemed to fill the room I open my eyes and find I'm on a rock floating in space "it's hard to breath here" I say but nothing comes out and I find I'm gasping for air "help..." I say holding my throat as I begin to sink into something everything turns black

I open my eyes and find one the druids hovering before me I'm back in the cell "what a nightmare" I say chuckling awkwardly in front of them "not a nightmare" they say their voice is scratchy and hoarse "...what?" I ask looking around I felt better

the room was brighter

And in that moment everything was fine until zarkon stormed around the corner

he glared at me "you didn't beg"he said through clenched teeth "and I find out who that boy toy of yours is" he was furious "today is terrible!" He shouts stomping over to me

He wraps his hands around my throat pulling my down till his over me with his hands wrapped and my only airway while I kick and claw at his hands to be free

The Druid just stands to side and watches zarkon slowly kill me

But not before voltron bust in and save the day Keith gives me a kiss on the lips and proposes to me while the rest of the team clap!

The end

Just kidding,the only thing I can think about in that moment is voltron ,for some reason I was worried they'd think I betrayed them I thought about the long hallways and endless rooms I thought about the paladins and how I could read them just by how they laughed I've only hung out with them once but that was the happiest I've been in a while to bad it was the last time

Sup I'm gonna put little comments down here which you can ignore or read your choice

For this story I make it up as I go and somehow connect it to the start I'm talented like that and sorry if I gave you an existential crisis but that's what I think about every night as I lie awake.   The nothing.

Also the turning grey thing that was actually inspired by one of my classmates because we had a science experiment and it was winter so it was cold and we were all complaining about it except for this one kid and during the experiment the teacher sent him home to go the doctors because he was so cold he turned grey and you know I never found out what was wrong with him

One last thing


Fake love|kieth x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें