Will you stop?

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I stand up quickly ignoring the last comment he made "you have to break up with your boyfriend"he said oh dear I begin to panic the original plan will go to waste just because of me and my inability to speak back "but I-"I try but he brushes me off "no buts y/n" "I just-" "no y/n" "please ju-" "no" he says and he turns and starts to walk away

My cheeks blow up in frustration and my face turns red why won't he just listen to me all the frustration I've kept in for the past month comes bubbling to the surface as I yell "WHY WONT YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!" tears come to the brim of my eye my scream seemed to quite the whole ship zarkon paused before he turned almost hesitant as if he could have brushed me off again and just kept walking but he didn't and as he turned he saw me in all my frustrated, emotional glory "please just listen to me"it was almost a whisper now all the frustration had been turned into tears that were now spilling over my cheeks "what do you have to say"he said with an exasperated sigh almost scared to push any further in case he lost another child

"You've ruined so many friends for me that now I'm scared to tell people that I'm even a little related to you and I've finally found someone that doesn't care where I'm from or who my family is but who I am and i love him dad and if you can't stop this silly feud with voltron for the sake of your child being with someone that cares then I can't be on your side of this war" I pause,my voice slowly became more stable as I talked and the more I thought about what I said the more I wished I actually had someone like that in my life but I will never find someone who's okay with having zarkon as their father in law"so will you stop?"I ask my confidence suddenly wavering as I was scared he chuck me out without a second thought

He seemed to pause as I gave him the choice of either losing a child or stopping a war "I'll sleep on it" he said and walked out but he thought about what I said all night long he was scared to lose me but he had worked so hard for what he's finally achieving he killed thousands just to have the universe in the palm of his hand so he decided if Keith can uphold his expectations then he will stop the war but Keith fails then he will have to lose me

Fake love|kieth x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ