Making a plan

491 18 16

I got grounded,which sucks not because I'm grounded but because I'll have to sneak out to go see voltron again which is as hard as a prisoner trying to escape on zarkons main ship which I was pretty much doing

I scooted against a wall almost trying to merge with it when a few guards walked past they stared at me as I formed my double chin and looked at them before running down the halls I made it to the pod section as alarms started blaring through out the ship, a Druid walked in and poofed me out of there and back in my room "crap"

8:30 rolled around and I couldn't take more than three steps out of my room before being escorted back "if I don't show up then voltron will leave and think that I used them" i mumbled,losing hope quickly I searched around my room for a weapon only to do one better and find a vent not just any vent a vent that lead to the pod station 'convenient' I thought as I stood on the edge of my bed trying to reach it

Once I got a hold of it ,I started unscrewing with my nails before giving it up and melting the whole thing so I could climb inside it was a tight fit but I dropped down hitting the floor with a bang at the end of it 'ow' I winced at the loud noise and the slight pain in my feet I took off running to the nearest pod and hit the start up button "freedom" I said staring out into the black abyss in front of me

I landed on the planet just as they were walking back inside their ship I leaped of the edge and yelled at them "I'm here! I'm sorry I'm late I got grounded then I tried to sneak out but that didn't work then a Druid came and poof I was back in my room then I tried to escape a few more times but those didn't work either but then I found a vent an-" "your rambling" the red one said "sorry,anyway my names y/n zarkons technically adopted daughter but you already knew that" I said indicating for them to introduce themselves "my names I allura this is shiro,Keith ,lance,hunk,pidge and coran"she said pointing to each corresponding person

"Nice to meet you"
"Like wise"Keith said looking bored with the conversation "you must be fun at parties" I mumble "what?" "Nothing"

We all sit bouncing ideas off each other before one idea seems to keep coming up

We fake a love considering zarkon would do anything for me so if I ask him not to hurt voltron cause I love someone apart of them then it might just work or he'll be even more mad but we were willing to risk it

Suddenly alarms were blaring from my pod "I forgot he can track me!" I yell "wait he can TRACK YOU" lances voice raises "yes" I say grabbing a rock from the ground and pegging it at the pod I threw more rocks till the alarms stopped "there" I say triumphantly "how are you going to get back home now" Allura says staring at the wreckage of my ship my smile faltered "good question,I'll deal with that later" i say willing to procrastinate

"Ok... well who is going to be y/ns partner"shiro says they all look at lance expecting him to put his hand up "uh no thanks that's a suicide mission" he says shrugging

"I'm a girl" pidge says
"Same"allura agrees
"I'm much older than you"shiro says as coran nods
"No thanks"lance says
"I puke when I'm nervous"hunk says and everyone nods in agreement
They allturn to Keith "it's gonna be me isn't it" he says we all nod

"Than it's settled Keith  and y/n are dating"shiro says patting kieth on the back

Fake love|kieth x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora