Double grounded

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Once the plan was set in stone and they all made fun of us it was time to go home only when I turned back to my ship I remembered the previous events of smashing it with several rocks so it would shut up "ummmm" I said spinning on my heels to face them "can I borrow a ship?" I asked smiling awkwardly "won't zarkon be on to us if you take back an altean ship?" Kieth quizzed

I scrambled my brain for an explanation acting as if I'd already thought it out "weeelll no .....cause it'll Add onto the story!"I nod "yeah he hardly ever looks in the docking bay but if he's there I can say that I was visiting my boyfriend" I say confidently looking at them pidge nods "that might work" she says and they lead me inside towards their pods

Their ship was big like really big the hallways seemed to go on forever and I mean zarkon ship is big but I've lived there my whole life and the ceilings aren't as high and the lighter colours seemed to make it bigger
Soon we reached the bay and coran gave me a quick rundown of the controls I nodded and took off

As I reached home the odd thing happened and zarkon was stood there glaring at the white and blue ship as I landed it I hopped out "hi dad?" I say clenching my teeth in an awkward smile as I walked towards him "where,why,who and how?" He said as the druids all destroyed the ship

"I was visiting my boyfriend" I say trying to act confident but I was shaking slightly under the pressure and my confident attitude seemed to be hiding under my goosebumps I looked up and seemed shocked although he never really has an expression so I couldn't tell "sconce when have you had a boyfriend?" He asked in his intimidating dad voice "since..."oh shiz we didn't say how long we've been together "uh around a...month now"I say uncertain clear in my voice

"A month huh" he asks oh god he's got that aura that I just can't lie to and he knows it "yeah a month!" I say yes,welcome back confidence "well then I guess that's a month your gonna be grounded for"He starts "oh wait you were already grounded I guess that means double grounding"he finishes smirking not double grounding! Lotor had to do that all the time
He looks at me as the druids teleport me into the cell. Oh god

Double grounding. the worst form of grounding it's a bare cell similar to the ones the prisoners are kept in with no door that has cameras on every angle the walls whenever I scream or ask to get out I get food/water but I'm stubborn so I won't give him that satisfaction he'll just have to watch his daughter slowly die of hunger and dehydration I'm sure he'll love that

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