1.102 Torment of The Departed

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And all she knew was, she was unwilling to leave.

She was unwilling. Unwilling. Unwilling.

The sobs of a grief-stricken person was then heard, anguish in the deep brown eyes that she knew well,

"I... am sorry... . I... am sorry... "

"YuLan... I will follow after you soon. I hope my life is enough for your soul to rest properly."

"I will follow you soon... ."

The cold lips softly kissed her forehead, then the red figure disappeared from her sight.

The cold lips softly kissed her forehead, then the red figure disappeared from her sight

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"All I can see is the hazy grey sky... ."

"I faintly feel a soft touch... BaiMei... is that you?"

"I feel cold... ."

"SongLi... SongLi.... SongLi..."

"I don't want to die."

"I don't want to die."

"I don't want to leave you."

"SongLi... will I remember you? Will there be 'after' after this?"

"Can I see you again? Will I?"

"SongLi... . It's cold... ."

"SongLi... can't..... see... ."



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Ji SongLi was inside the Palace's assembly hall along with Zhen BuFeng, the Second Prince, the Third Prince, and other ministers for their daily attendance to Emperor Zhang.

The Assembly court was as usual, and there was nothing out of ordinary,

Until he suddenly felt a sudden frosty coldness, seemingly attacking the depth of his very soul.

A female's voice rang in his mind, calling his name in a soft desperate sigh. Despite everyone else still standing rigidly, exchanging opinions among each other about state matters, he inadvertently whipped his head to look towards the still closed entrance of the royal assembly hall.

One Lifetime Is Never EnoughDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora