Chapter One

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Witchling woke up...outside, on a bench. Weird. She was in the nightgown that she fell asleep in the night before. She had a full face of makeup on, but she hadn't fallen asleep with it on. She scanned the area with her blue eyes, but didn't see anything familiar.

A few cars were driving by. One car turned and entered a parking lot. Witchling watched as the driver got out and walked towards Witchling, before stopping and going into a building. She decided to follow him, just to ask where she was.

"Excuse me," Witchling spoke, running her fingers through her long black hair in an attempt to brush it. The man was taller than her, and had blondish hair and blue eyes. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He seemed to recognize Witchling, but she didn't recognize him.

"Hey Amy. What's up?" That took Witchling by surprise.

"I'm not Amy. I'm Witchling. And I'm lost," Witchling replied.

"Sure, Amy. Or Witchling," the man smiled condescendingly at her as he continued to walk down the hallway. "You're just at work," he shrugged.

"No I'm not. I'm not Amy! Who are you?" Witchling asked, following him.

"It's me, Jason," the man answered, pushing open a door to what seemed to be a meeting room. There was a big whiteboard on the wall and a table with chairs surrounding it. There were some charts on the walls that were far too complicated for Witchling to understand right now, and there were two other people, a man and a woman, in the room, drinking coffee and chatting.

"Good morning," Jason greeted them, walking over.

"Morning, Jason. Good morning Amy," a man with long brown hair, brown eyes, and a nice beard greeted Witchling.

"I'm not Amy, I'm Witchling," Witchling pouted and took a seat at the table. The girl, who had long brown hair and was wearing glasses, frowned at this but didn't say anything.

"I think she's playing a character," Jason informed the others.

"No! It's just my name!" Witchling corrected him.

"Okay, Witchling. I'm Meredith, and that's Dan. How old are you?" the girl asked.

"Eighteen," she answered honestly, which got the adults to exchange glances. The door opened and a young man with wavy black hair walked in.

"Hey Chris. Matt is at a meeting with some companies and Stephanie is sick, so we're going to just get started now," Jason informed everyone. Witchling bit her lip. "So today-" the door opened again in a rush as a girl with long black hair and blue eyes came in.

"Sorry I'm late, but-" the girl, presumably Amy, noticed Witchling. "...I slept in," she finished her thought. "Who are you?"

"My name is Witchling. You must be Amy?" Witchling asked.

"Yes, I am. How are you here?" Amy asked.

"Well, I don't know. I know I didn't teleport myself here, because you have to be much more advanced than me to teleport humans and not just objects, and I just woke up outside not too long ago. And then I saw him," Witchling pointed at Jason. "And he thought I was you. And everyone thought that until you showed up," Witchling summed everything up.

"What do you mean that you need to be much more advanced to teleport humans?" Dan asked, skeptical.

"Yeah, can you teleport objects?" Chris asked.

"Of course," Witchling said as she made magical purple sparkles emit from her hands.

"Today just got a lot more exciting. Here, teleport a marker. Just so we can see," Meredith seemed excited, putting a whiteboard marker on the table. Witchling said a quick spell and teleported the marker into Chris' hand.

"So, how do you think you got here? If you just woke up here. Are there spells or potions that you can take, fall asleep, and then wake up somewhere else?" Amy asked, hoping they could do the same to make Witchling go back.

"Maybe she teleported from an alternate universe," Jason laughed. Witchling gasped.

"I would never do that! Interdimensional teleportation is illegal and highly dangerous especially when you're doing it to any living thing! And you can almost never control where you'll end up!"

"How does...interdimensional teleportation work?" Dan asked.

"Well you figure out the year you want to go to and the universe you want to go to. And then the coordinates of where in that universe you want to go. So to get me home...2017, Magic Universe, Earth, and then whatever coordinates on Earth."

"Sounds easy. Just do that!" Chris decided.

"Uh, hello? It's ILLEGAL," Witchling reminded him.

"Then why would you do it to get here in the first place?" Amy asked.

"I DIDN'T!" Witchling screamed.

"Okay, how about...Witchling you stay with me. Let's not livestream today. Let's do work as usual. I'll be trying to help Witchling get back," Meredith took charge. She didn't really want to leave Amy and Witchling alone together, and Witchling probably wouldn't want to spend all day with one of the guys. Also, spending a day with a real witch sounds exciting.

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