12: Allies or Enemies

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Scowling, Isa shook some tinder out at the base of the pile and struck a spark with expert speed. Flames caught onto the wood shavings and spread fast, flickering.

Every muscle in Ciara's body went taut at the sight of Isa so focused on her work. She moved before she could even think through her plan, grabbing the hair at the back of Isa's neck and shoving her face close to the flames.

Isa squawked and struggled, trying to claw at her, but her face was too close to the heat and smoke.

"If you move, I'll bury your head in the fire," Ciara whispered, fighting to keep her voice steady as she pulled the bola out of her belt.

"You – wouldn't – dare." But Isa was panting. Ciara realised she was afraid, in that moment of vulnerability. The fire... it frightened her.

She didn't want to kill this woman, not when Darius's blood pact was with Fell alone. She would not turn into a heartless murderer, no matter what happened and no matter what Tonraq thought.

Ciara released her and ran for the trees. A feral roar ripped from Isa's throat. Five steps and she would be in the forest, able to hide and search for Tonraq so they could get away and plan their next move... four steps... three, two...

A body, tall and solid as an oak, emerged between two trees. Ciara smashed into Fell with so much force that she rebounded.

"Isa, are you all right?" Fell asked, his eyes widening in alarm when he noticed the fire.

In that moment, as he was distracted, Ciara pulled a knife from her belt and brought it to his throat.

"No!" Tonraq and Sebastian crashed through the undergrowth. They froze when they realised what was happening.

Ciara tightened her grip so the knife wouldn't shake. "Get on your knees. Now."

He dropped to his knees and she walked around him, her breath rasping in her throat. She grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, exposing his throat.

"Ciara, don't do it," Tonraq whispered. "You're better than this."

Sebastian was white-faced and shaking. "If you kill him, I swear I'll tear you limb from limb."

I'm about to kill a man. In cold blood. For the first time. His blood would stain her hands forever. She would watch his heart stop, she would hear his last rattling breath. All that energy and life, extinguished.

He had a family. Friends. They would cry, grieve for him.

Her mouth had gone dry.

"Well?" To her annoyance, Fell's voice was as strong and deep as ever. He didn't seem afraid. "Are you going to do it?"

"You don't understand, I have no choice."

"There's always a choice. You're just a girl. Don't let Darius turn you into a monster."

Ciara looked at Isa and Sebastian, who were fixated on her as if they were scared she would kill Fell if they blinked. Tonraq was shaking his head – he looked desperate.

If she did it, it would haunt her for the rest of her life. No matter what Darius said or did, no matter if both he and Cali stayed close to her side for the rest of her life, she would see Fell's face every time she closed her eyes, she knew it. It would carve a space out of her soul, lost forever.

She could feel Fell's pulse against the knife, and what little courage she had left evaporated.

Slowly, she lowered the blade. "You're right. I – I can't."

Tonraq breathed out shakily.

Quick as lightning, Fell was on his feet. He twisted one arm behind Ciara's back, pulled the knife and bolas out of her hand.

Soul SeekerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz