It's Been a Really Long Day

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Picture of Ian on the side -->


Lunch passed rather quick after they all had gotten their food. The boys joked about something that had happened the other day, filling in Ami and Raven as they went. ‘I don’t understand.’ Ami sent to her sister while pushing her fry into the ketchup on her plate. Raven sighed and placed her eating utensil onto her empty plate, ‘What a shocker...  alright, what don’t you understand?’  Ami glared hatefully at her sister and shoved the fry into her mouth. ‘They don’t act any different than boys on our planets do. I thought they were going to be completely different.’

Raven was quiet for a few minutes while she watched Dean hit Milo on the arm for something that the sisters didn’t hear and then they both started to laugh about it. ‘I get what you mean, Ami, I thought they were going to be different too. I guess-‘ Raven was cut off by Dean snapping in front of her face.

“Earth to Raven!”

Raven shook her head slightly and turned to face him, her question coming back snappier than intended. “What?” The corners of Dean’s lips twitched before he continued on with what he was saying before. “I asked if you had found a place to live yet. You were too busy spacing out to notice I was talking to you.” Raven blushed slightly and shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. Why did that look make her respond like that?

“We found a place to live but we are going to have to rebuild it.” Both girls watched in satisfaction as the guys mouths dropped. “You have to rebuild it?” Seth asked with his brows knitted together in confusion. Raven nodded,  taking a long sip of her drink looking thoughtful. “But why?” Ian asked just as equally confused as Seth was just a moment ago.

“It’s fallen apart completely; the roof has caved in and when I pushed on the wall it fell down. It’s not exactly safe to live in at the moment, but with a few tweaks and fixes it should be as good as new.” Ami smiled satisfactorily as she remembered  the little house she found in the woods. It was absolutely in the perfect location for them to live; not in the open and completely private.

The group was quiet for a few seconds until they were interrupted by two unknown guys.

“Hello, ladies. I’m Greg and this is my friend Caleb. We just wanted to ask you two a question real quick.” The shorter of the two said, his blue eyes shining slightly. Raven and Ami gave each other a ‘What the hell’ look before turning back to Greg and Caleb. “Yes?” Raven asked with a fake smile plastered onto her face. She obviously didn’t like these two boys very much.

“We were wondering what grade you girls were in, and also if you were single.” Caleb let out with a sly smile, not hiding the fact that he was eying Raven. Raven’s back stiffened further at the semi- question, her jet black hair slightly falling over her face. “That was more than one question.” Her voice laced with sweetness, even Ami was having trouble determining if she was actually being sweet or playing with them.

Caleb shrugged and leaned his hand onto the table between Raven and Dean, “Sorry, sweetheart.” Dean cleared his throat behind Caleb’s arm, “She has a name, buddy.” His tone was harsh as he spoke to him, making him sound annoyed. ‘Well that’s strange.’ Ami thought to herself and tuned back into Caleb’s now moving lips.

“Sorry, I forgot to ask your name –“

He cut off suddenly, obviously hinting that he wanted her name. Before Raven could say something rude to the poor boy, Ami stood up and held out her tiny hand to him. “I’m sorry about that, my name is Ami and that’s my sister, Raven; she’s a senior and I’m a year behind her.” Greg was the one to latch onto her hand, purring her name with a smile, “Ami, you have an extremely hot name, not to mention looks as well.”

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