You Learn Something New Every Day

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                 Author note: I realized I switched the side of the story so we can hear everyone's thoughts occasionally on accident, but when I tried to re-write it the part of the story didn't feel right to me. I promise that will be one of the ONLY times that happens!

Picture of Raven on the side -->


Milo sat in his History class against the wall, slightly banging his head against it. ‘Why must this be the only class that goes by so slow? Seriously, it was like trying to swim in a pool full of molasses.’ Milo caught the eye of his best friend - Dean – who was trying to get his attention. Milo mouthed the word ‘What’ and watched as Dean pointed at the clock. Twenty minutes left until school ended.

He smiled and pretended to hang himself, making Dean break out into a smile as well. They entertained each other by making fun of the teacher and making inventive stories with their gestures alone until the bell rang. “Thank fucking God.” Dean said and slung his backpack over his shoulder casually, it took effort for Milo not to smile but it was almost impossible with Dean Delacruz as your best friend.

They walked together to their lockers and stopped by two girls and their gang of friends, “Hello, Dean…. Milo.” The girls said in unison and batted their eyelashes. The boys said hello to the girls and opened their lockers, which just so happened to be next to each other. It only took them a moment to put what they didn’t need into their lockers, and Dean thrust his backpack into his locker, “I don’t need it anyway, it is the weekend after all.” He closed his locker and waited for Milo to finish up.

Milo ended up putting his into the locker as well and walked beside his friend as they made their way to Dean’s car. “I don’t see as to why you don’t let me drive you home, Milo, it’s not like you live twenty miles the other way. I drive by your road everyday to get to my house.” Dean said as he fought his way through the drooling pack of girls to his car door. This wasn't an unusual occurance, most of the girl population hung around Dean's car before and after school to try and land a date with him and I.

“How am I supposed to keep up this awesome body if I let you drive me everywhere?” Dean gave a laugh and shook his head while the girls around us gave sighs, “Yeah, whatever dude. See you at Ian’s party tonight.” Milo began to walk through the throng of girls and called over his shoulder that he’d see him there. The walk from school to his house only took fifteen minutes so Milo stuck in an ear bud and started walking toward his house. He was lost in thought when he first heard the voices.

He slowed his walking, trying to decide if he was just hearing things when he heard the voices again. “No, Ami! I don’t know where we are! I’m not an all-knowing God who can be like “Hell yes I know this place, just take a fucking left here and scale a tree infested with rodents!” Milo shook his head in confusion and turned toward the girl’s voice. Why are two girls in the woods? Milo thought as he took out his ear bud and began to walk their way

The girls continued to talk back and forth for a while and then it became utterly quiet. Milo stopped walking to try to hear their voices again but all he heard were the birds. When Milo was just about to leave the woods he heard the disturbance of leaves behind him and he turned around only to see two very beautiful twin girls behind him. The one with dark red hair looked almost excited while the one with black hair looked shocked; and also annoyed.

 “Hi.” The red head chirped and seemed to be bouncing on her feet, “Uh... Hello.” Milo said, still clearly confused about their whereabouts. Suddenly the other girl blurted out “We're lost. Can you show us how to get to town?”  Milo couldn’t speak so he just shook his head yes and motioned them to follow him. As he led them out of the woods he tried to make a little small talk with the girls.

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