Making a Name For Yourself

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--> Picture of Ami (Anastasia)


Raven woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and looked around the room. She had somehow gotten back to their motel room and was still dressed in what she went to the party in. “Agh… What happened last night?” Raven asked herself out loud and was shocked to hear her sister answer her. “You drank too much beer last night and got drunk. Bravo, I must add; already experiencing such mundane things on our first day here on Earth.” Raven covered her ears because it sounded like Ami was shouting at her.

Ami sighed at her sister and walked over to her, “Here let me attempt to help you.” Ami rested her hand on her sister’s forehead and began to use her powers to heal her headache away. It worked slowly and after ten minutes of constant healing Raven’s hangover was numbed down to almost nothing. “Thanks.” Raven said and pulled herself out of the bed.

“Yeah, no problem. The person you should thank is Dean, seeing as he helped you last night.” Ami handed Raven a glass of water and watched as shock crossed her face. “Dean helped me?” She asked in disbelief. Ami nodded to her sister’s question and then handed her a paper she printed off the Internet.

Raven gave her sister a quizzical look before glancing at the paper. It had the name of a school on it and then a map. “What’s this about?” Raven asked and flipped the paper over to check if there was more. “It’s the information of the local high school. Apparently teenagers go to school just like we do until they graduate. According to the paper you and I would be Juniors/Seniors and have to go through classes, except their classes are different from ours.”

Raven looked at the paper again before talking, “So we have to go to school?” Ami nodded and sat on the bed where Raven was and looked at her sister intently. “We want to fit in, right?” she asked with the tiniest of a smile playing on her lips. Raven nodded and then sighed. “Don’t we need information to give the office so we can enroll?”

It was Raven’s turn to watch Ami’s face contort in confusion, “I guess so.” Ami said then suddenly stood up to get the laptop and handed it to Raven, “You’re better at finding things online, that bit of stuff I gave you earlier took me forever to find.” Raven sighed at her sisters’ stupidity and went to work.

After an hour or so Raven found all the information they needed and began to go over her plan with Ami. “Okay, so I found a place that will make us fake Id’s and everything else we need for school. It’s just a town over but we’re going to need more money and a ride.” Ami nodded and began to duplicate more Twenty Dollar bills while Raven searched the Internet for a car dealership.

Not even an hour later they had way over one hundred thousand dollars and were ready to go buy everything they needed. “After we get our ID’s, we’ll have to get a credit card for both of us and separate bank accounts so we have an unlimited amount of money in one place.” They grabbed a purse each from a shopping bag, placed fifty thousand dollars in each bag, and then left the motel to head out of town.           

 The girls arrived in Blackfoot, Idaho at one and arrived at the office at one fifteen. They paid the cabbie the money they owed and turned around to the office. It was a squat building in between a pizza place and an abandoned office. The sisters looked at each other one last time before heading inside. Behind the desk sat a woman who looked about the age of forty with graying hair.

She looked up from her crossword puzzle and looked at the sisters with jealousy clear on her face. “Are you here for an appointment?” Raven nodded and told the lady her name. The woman grabbed a chart and looked at the names; she pointed to a door behind her and said to go through those doors to reach the guys office.

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