A Night to Remember

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  • Dedicated to my best friend Dayanara. Without you, I would have never been able to write this

Ten years ago

Azreal sat in the meadow on the far side of her current planet watching her two young daughters play across from her. Raven had just over-powered Anastasia in their game, putting her in a head-lock and was now dragging her to the floor. How her two daughters were so different from each other blew her mind, really. Anastasia with her dark red hair and burning green eyes compared to her older sister, Raven, with her ebony hair and hazel eyes. They both appeared to have gotten their respective father's coloring instead of hers.

“That’s my girl!” she called out to her eldest daughter and watched as a look of satisfaction crossed Raven’s face. Anastasia gave her sister a dirty look before pushing her and running to the safety of their mother. Raven yelled in rage and sent a ball of water flying toward the back of her sister’s head. Azreal sighed to herself as her youngest sprawled to the floor, soaking wet; with any luck she’ll become less clueless to her surroundings one day.

At the stage of development her daughters were in, they could only conjure up the simple elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. With time, both girls will develope more powers until they can do mostly anything, things like making hollograms, Flying, and other complicated things; one of the only good things about having their mother's blood running through their veins: unlimited powers. 

Cancelling any further thoughts about herself, Azreal turned to her daughters who were looking at each other hatefully before they sat by their mother contently, exhausted by the activities of the day. Azreal pulled Anastasia into her lap and began to dry her off with the heat radiating from her palms. “I think it’s time for a story, girls.” She said, watching as both girls gave her their undivided attention. She started on Anastasia’s hair before continuing on.

“Well girls, there’s a magical place called Earth that belongs to a different Galaxy and is, to be honest, in the Old age. They aren’t as advanced as we are in technology and aren’t quite as gifted as us either.” Raven shot up her hand and her hazel eyes sparkled with interest, “What do you mean by ‘not as gifted?'” Azreal laughed a little at her daughter; she doesn’t miss a thing. “They don’t have powers like we do; they are actually a simple race, so to speak.” Both girls waited patiently while urging their mother to continue on with their eyes.

“They have a wonderfully lit blue sky that changes colours during the day (unlike our purple-ish blue one), water that covers most of their planet, and solid land, they have animals that look nothing like ours, and they get around by either walking or going to places by what they call “Cars”, “Boats”, and “Planes”. One day, I’ll show you this place, but once you girls become old enough.” Anastasia and Raven gave ‘Awes’ and ‘Whys’ before finally settling down long enough to listen to their mother again.

“How come we don’t see Earth from here, Momma?” Anastasia asked while looking out into the sky. Azreal brushed her fingers through Raven’s ebony hair and looked toward where Earth should be around this time of year. “Because it’s far away in what they have named ‘The Milky Way Galaxy’.” The girls nodded in acknowledgement before getting back up to go play around again, knowing that the story was finished and their mother had nothing else to offer.

Azreal sighed to herself while still looking in the direction of Earth. "Unfortunately, I won't be there when you girls are old enough. I'll be far far away by then." she whispered to herself, thanking her lucky stars that she was even able to have this much time with her children so far.

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