TEN| Spells

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Taehyung remembered his first kiss. To be completely honest, it wasn't anything... extraordinary. Because he always said yes, because he gave every girl that approached him a chance... nothing seemed special.

That was of course the opposite of what he had wanted.

Upon reading his first love story, he wondered. Taehyung tended to wonder a lot, but when it came to love he wondered the most of all. He wanted a love like the stories, he wanted to know if it was real. 

When Taehyung had his first kiss, it wasn't special. 

It was with your friend; his first girlfriend who had shyly requested the exchange after school one day. It wasn't the most romantic of situations, but Taehyung figured it wouldn't matter considering it was his first kiss and it would be magical regardless. 

When he complied politely and pressed his lips against hers...

It wasn't what he thought it would be at all. He pulled away to see her pink face that looked away with a small laugh and he smiled. But inside he didn't understand. Why wasn't his heart beating loudly? Why did his stomach not erupt into butterflies? Why did he not feel dizzy?

Why was he not in love?

Being who he was he genuinely tried his hardest to fall in love with the girls he dated, but if he was being honest? He never did. And in some cases he was glad he never did. Some girls were exhausting and took all of his time and energy. Some didn't even let him even look at another girl.

In his early days of dating, some nights he would look at his phone for long periods of time and peer at your number; wondering if he could call you and ask for advice. He never did for many reasons. For one, you were his old friend and probably had other things going on, for another he figured it may be odd to ask about other girls to you.

When he was dating your friend he was very tempted to ask for advice, but he became confused when one day she told him not to talk to you. She said it made her uncomfortable if he was such good friends with another girl. 

Taehyung and your friend ended up breaking up a week later, but when he called your number the next day, he found it was the wrong one. It was your old number and it had been so long since he'd talked to you that he never got your new one.

He wanted to ask for your new number, but when his new girlfriend saw him walking your way she pulled him to her instead. She had been too clingy even for Taehyung and they ended up breaking up as well.

But throughout every relationship, throughout every kiss, Taehyung still hadn't felt entirely what he had yearned for. If anything, the only thing he got out of it was experience.

And so, when the presumed to be 'you' pulled him close to the bedroom area and brought him close to her, he knew what was happening.

'You' leaned towards his face in familiar fashions and he blinked slightly before feeling his heart drop in nervousness. Surly you weren't... 

but you were. 

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. You would never kiss him... Figuring something must have been wrong, he laughed nervously and pulled your arms off of him to push 'you' away. His face was red and his mind was caught in a twist of unsure emotions. 

Was this a cruel joke?

Taehyung looked down shyly after pushing 'you' away and didn't exactly know what to say. He was still shocked and unsure of the situation so had panicked.

"Taehyung..." The shapeshifter spoke lightly; he looking back up at 'you'.

The real you literally wanted to scream when you watched the shapeshifter pulling slightly on his collar in order to pull his stunned form closer to her once more.

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