Don't Need A Man

41 16 1

Indiana, Indianapolis

Shayla POV

Age 39

I hear the front door creek as the beeping from the alarm rings through the house. Everything is quiet as I sit up and listen for any voices. "Shit." I murmur to myself as I get out of bed slowly I go to my dresser reaching for my 40 caliber. "You hear that?" A voice says downstairs as the sound of vandalism strains the whole house. I slowly walk out my bedroom walking towards Indy room to make sure she's all right. She's sound asleep I'm surprised she doesn't hear what's going on. "Where's the fucking stash bro!" A voice rages through the house as I pop the clip out looking to see if the gun is loaded as I stick the clip back in.

"Indy wake up baby." I say softly but rough as I tap on her shoulder. I hear footsteps thud up the stairs as my heart begins to hit my chest. "Mom." She says squinting her eyes as she focuses on my face. Boom. A loud kick from my bedroom sounded off as I pointed the gun towards Indy's door. "Where's that fucking bitch at?" A familiar voice came out the room as the footsteps drew closer to Indy's room. "Na'shawn?" Indy said as I pointed my finger at her and signaled her to duck down. Boom the door was kicked in as I squeezed the trigger shooting one boy in the face as he falls down hard.

"Shit mom!" Indy says as my eyes open up wide as everything seems like it's moving in slow motion. The two boys that's still alive dropped down to check his pulse but he was dead. I killed someone. "Shit." I say my hands shaking as one of the boys takes off his mask and raises his gun at me. "Na'shawn stop!" Indy screams her face in tears as I he hesitates looking at her giving me the advantage to pull the trigger. The echo filling the room as he fell on the ground but he wasn't shot. The other boy pushed him out of the way and took the bullet for himself as the shot pinned his head to the wall before he slid down blood dripping down everywhere.

Na'shawn looks down at the boys as I finally realized that those were his brothers. "Na'shawn." Indy says sympathetically as he looks up with pain in his eyes as he runs down stairs and out the door. "Indy call the police I'm going to call your father." I tell her as I get up off the floor as Indy gets up to follow behind me. "My father? What is he going to do?" She says a attitude building up as I grab my phone dialing James's number as Indy has the police on the line. "Shay?" James says sounding like he just woke up. "James I just killed two people, Indy and I are in danger and I don't know what to do!" I say words rolling off of my tongue. "Slow down. You did what?" James asked as I take a deep breath hearing Nina in the background.

"I need you to come back to Indiana." I tell him as he doesn't say anything. "Your daughter needs you." Nina says in the background as a smile forms on my face Nina was always the mature one out of us all. "Pretty soon I'm going to be arrested for the murder of two teens. I'm pleading self defense since they broke in my house but that'll take awhile. I need you to look after my baby James. Indianapolis has gotten worse since you left." I tell him as sirens sound off surrounding my house with blue and red lights. "I love you Indy." I say hanging up the call as Indy's eyes start to water. "I love you too mom." She says as I hold her in my arms as the cops surround us now.

Days In (Book 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang