Moody was shaking and beginning to sweat. Ichigo took long strides and closed the distance between them quickly.

"Ah, Professor Moody, are you feeling alright? You seem a bit shaken."

The speed at which Moody's eyes met Ichigo's must've been strong enough to break the man's neck. But then again, was the person before him really a man?

"I should be asking you that, boy. Weren't you in a wheelchair at the beginning of the week?"

"Indeed, but I am stronger than I look," Ichigo smirked as he drew attention to his legs. "See? My legs are as fit as a fiddle, so to speak. How are yours doing? They're probably doing just fine, taking into account all that polyjuice potion you've been gulping down all year."

The man's color drained from his face and he seemed more alert than before. His tongue darted across his lip again, more aggressively than before. The imposter opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it as he took a glance at the maze. "I told you to mind your business, but I suppose there's nothing you can really do, can you?" And with that the man limped off, effectively ending their conversation. Ichigo's eyes focused on the retreating figure until he was distracted by other students.

Half an hour later, the crowd silenced as red sparks were seen lighting the sky. Ichigo watched with both worry and relief as Fleur was returned to the makeshift arena. He couldn't help but make his way towards the dazed woman, needing to see for himself that she was truly alright. As he approached her he noticed Madame Pomfrey attending to the witch, feeling her forehead and checking her eyes. The healer didn't pause in her examination but didn't ignore him either.

"She looks alright for the most part. She's got some superficial scrapes and bruises, and it looks like she's been knocked out, but nothing too serious. She should feel fine within the hour."

"Thank you," he said as Pomfrey straightened up.

She smiled and patted his arm. "There's nothing to thank." The woman looked around and threw her arms in the air at the few who gathered around them. "What are you lot still standing around here for? Give 'em some room for Merlin's sake." With that, the group dispersed.

No one defied Madame Pomfrey.

Fleur looked at him, seeming more coherent than before. Ichigo credited that to the healer that had just left.

"Ichigo! I'm afraid I didn't win..."

Ichigo shook his head and pulled the young woman close. "No, that's alright. You're safe, and that's really what matters in the end." He pulled away to look at her as he spoke but was still connected to her. "As you continue to grow and learn, just like I do, you'll realize that these competitions for sheer strength are meaningless. Unless you have something you're fighting for -- to protect, to save, it doesn't matter -- you'll never win."

"Once again, Monsieur, you've surprised me. Are you sure there's something you're not telling me?"

Ichigo couldn't help but smirk, "Mademoiselle, there's a lot of things you don't know about me."

"It appears so," Fleur laughed.

Ichigo shifted his weight between his feet. "So, what was it like, in the maze?" Fleur's back stiffened in response to his question.

"It was tres dark. As soon as I walked in, it was like I was a different person. All I could think about was finding that stupid goblet, everyone did. Victor found me and it was like we forgot that we were comrades, and we fought. He won, obviously. I do not hold it against him, the fog in our eyes was too great for us, I am afraid."

Ichigo's eyes dropped. "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Fleur shook her head," Non. I choose to put my name in the goblet of my own free will. It is a good lesson to learn."

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