The Starting Line

Start from the beginning

With the race I want to win, I need to win, I want to build a facility back home in Manchester that can focus solely on entertainment and research while helping as many people as we can. It would be a nice little legacy to leave. I don't think other racers will take me seriously and I'm kind of banking on it."

Kim - A Fast Food Manager from Sydney, Australia

Kim: "My name is Kim and I am 47 years old.

Being an older woman will have me perceived as the mum and I hope they all do that, It will make it easier for me to beat them. Haha I joke slightly, But just because I'm double most of these kids in age, Doesn't mean I can't move just as fast. Working in Food keeps me on my toes all day, and sometimes I'm there from 6 am in the store, until midnight.

I don't give up and I don't complain. I work with kids the same age and younger than the other competitors daily. I think I got this. Running this race as an individual is going to be incredible, I won't have anyone else holding me back and I can just fire ahead and leave these kids in my dust.

Chris - A Musical Artist from Arizona, USA

Chris: "My name is Chris and I am 20 years old.

I know I'm not going to be taken too seriously if they find out I've just released my first Studio Album, Thinking I'm only here for publicity but I don't want to just be known as the sellout using this experience to further himself in music. I want the other racers and the world to know that yeah its nice for me to have music under my belt, I also want to have fun and enjoy myself.

I didn't really get to take time off after school finished as I went straight to work on my music, So I'm thinking of this as kind of like my own little holiday. The Race will hopefully prove to people that being gay isn't going to hold me back. If someone gets in my way I will barge them over if I have to."

Milan - A DJ from Perth, Australia

Milan: "My name Is Milan and I am 22 years old.

People in general seem to think of a DJ as this weak, Boring line of work where we just stand in front of a board filled with nobs and dials and just keep turning them off and on again to make music. I mean they are sort of right but it's a lot more physically demanding than people think. It's hard because you really need to hype up the crowd, get everyone up and dancing to the music and hold thier attention.

Being on the race will likely help me out with gigs I'm not going to lie, but I want to prove that what everyone sees, which is us standing behind the board for hours at a time, means that we are strong, But that we are actually smart too. I can tell you now not one of these other racers would be able to do my job without training.

Cheyenne - Medical student from New Haven, Connecticut

Cheyenne: "My name is Cheyenne and I am 18 years old.

I'm currently a student at Yale's school of medicine and hoping to become a doctor at the least but the ultimate goal is to go down the women's health route. I love learning and I am really enjoying my studies but when the Amazing Race came around I had to jump at the chance. Being only 18, I want them to treat me like a kid so I can prove to them that I'm not like all the others.

Winning the race is everything right now, I didn't think about it until after I was already traveling but this race, will pay my student debts and pay for my course as well. The rest of the money I can hold and invest into my future and not be stupid with it."

Liam - a Lawyer from Coffs Harbour, Australia

Liam: "My name is Liam but everyone calls me Sprig, And I am 23 years old.

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