twenty seven • new me, new you

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Baekhyun moved around silently to give his poor roommate some peace. Jack was a good guy. Baekhyun and him got along pretty well. They would have a lunch together here and there, but due to their schedules, there were days when they wouldn't see each other before bedtime.

"Byun! C'mere." the brunet heard his coach, Mr Murray, calling him and waving for him to come over.

"Listen up." he spoke when Baekhyun came, but his eyes kept following everything that was going on on the court.

"Tacher! Do you call that a serve? You don't send a ball straight to the libero, crackhead!" coach Murray shouted while Baekhyun patiently stood by him.

Baekhyun could see poor Tacher going red to the tips of his ears when coach yelled.

"Byun." he repeated, finally redirecting his attention to Baekhyun.

"Yes, sir?"

"Have you seen doctor Sheridan as I told you?" his voice was now much more welcoming. Throughout six months that he had spent there, Baekhyun learned that his coach was like a strict but caring father, he shouted at them for every finesse during the game, but took good care of every player and his health. Baekhyun developed a good relationship with him, and he felt that he could approach him with every problem he had.

"Yes." Baekhyun smiled. " I had my last session with physiatrist on Saturday. Dr Sheridan checked on my knee this morning and he said I can finally do full training and a five set match, I just have to take some medication he gave me every two days."

Coach Murray nodded contentedly.

"That's good, because you're playing the first lineup on Saturday. First match of Collage championships."

"W-what? Are you sure?" Baekhyun couldn't hide the shock, because despite his talent, there were still players older and more experienced than he he was.

"I want to test how you work under pressure. You manage the game very well in practice, but an official match brings more stress and responsibilities. I'm sure you will handle it well." the coach smiled, tapping his shoulder and turning away. He blew a whistle marking the practice was over, and the boys quickly stood in a formation.

"Lucky bastard." Mark, one of his teammates and also a freshman, mumbled with his mouth stuffed with Chinese takeout.

Baekhyun, Hoseok, Namjoon and Mark were sitting in the latter's room after the practice had ended, devouring a cheap takeout from a nearby restaurant.

"I won't get in the first lineup before I'm senior." Hoseok pouted, sticking his chopsticks inside the carton of food.

"You don't even try, idiot. You leave practice early every day just because you're too lazy to stay for three hours." Namjoon said judgingly and Baekhyun chuckled. Hoseok really was like that.

"So who are we playing against?" Mark asked.

"I think it's Boston. They're pretty strong, or so I've heard." Namjoon shrugged on what Hoseok jumped in sudden moment of inspiration.

"They have fresmen playing in the first team too! A friend of mine told me, Yugyeom, he is one of them and he is middle blocker, and I'm not sure who this other guy is though... Yugyeom just said he's pretty scary. He's a wing spiker." Hoseok blabbered, mimicking everything.

Mark fell on his back with a sigh of content, dropping his takeout carton.

"Nothing that should bother us. The statistics go in our advance, Harvard hasn't lost a game against them in 30 years or something. Pretty clear, if you ask me." he stated.

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