four • perfect match

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" Yixing nice serve!"

"Connect it, connect it!"

"It's out!"

The gym was filled with shouts and sounds of ball slamming and sneakers sliding against the court  when they land down from a jump.

This time all the members were there, including Jongdae who wasn't too happy that he had to waste his precious time on the volleyball team.

"Nice receive, Luhan!" Jongin, middle blocker and their decoy, shouted as Luhan received Baekhyun's serve.

"I'm not a libero for nothing!" Luhan grinned victoriously.

Chanyeol was on the team with Baekhyun, Minseok, Junmyeon and Yixing, while Kris, Luhan, Tao, Jongin and Sehun made another one.

And he was pissed. So damn pissed.

During two full sets, he didn't receive a single ball from Baekhyun.

Not a single one.

He remembered that Baekhyun told him that he would have to earn the setter's trust, but this was ridiculous.

He anxiously anticipated the course of Baekhyun's tosses, end every time Yixing or even Junmyeon, who was a middle blocker, ended spiking them.

And the end of the second set, coach gave them a five minute break, so he took Baekhyun by the hand and pulled him aside.

"What the hell are you doing?" he said when they were far enough.

"What do you mean?" Baekhyun asked blankly.

"You know very well what I mean! You didn't toss me a single ball!" Chanyeol did his best to keep his voice down, but he couldn't hide the frustration in it.

Baekhyun wanted to chuckle at how the giant acted. Like a kid whose parents won't let him play with sharp objects.

"I told you already. You have to..."

"Earn setter's trust, I know!" he raised his voice and stepped away when he saw Baekhyun's slightly horrified expression.

At least he showed some emotion.

Chanyeol sighed, pulling his fingers through his midnight black hair.

"What do I have to do to deserve it? How long will you keep doing this?"

Baekhyun stared at his own connected fingers for a moment, playing with them.

"When you learn to be a part of the team. That's when."

With those words, Baekhyun walked away.

* * *

A whole week passed and Chanyeol was still trying to figure out how to fit in the team better.

It was the day before going to the training camp, and he got friendly with all his teammates except for Baekhyun. Even his greatest rival Kris who also wanted the ace title joked around with him and gave him some advice.

He was teamed up with Baekhyun again, and whole 2 sets passed with Chanyeol barely touching the ball except for blocking or receiving it.

Now it was match point for Zitao's team, and Chanyeol had already accept the fact that it will be another game withot a toss to him.

"Kris!" Zitao shouted as he tossed the ball to Kris, who slammed it down on his opponent's side.

But it got received by Yixing, who passed in on to the setter, Baekhyun.

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