seventeen • source of happiness

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Baekhyun's palms were sweating as he walked up and down hallway in front of school counselor's office.

The clock was ticking too loudly.

2:49 p.m.

His interview with Harvard's legate was appointed at 3 p.m.

He was preparing for the interview since he had found out about it.

He practiced answering politely, improved his English, searched for all possible tips on the internet, and he was still nervous as hell.

What if he asks something unexpected? Something that he didn't prepare for? The possibilities were endless. He tried imagining how the legate looked, how he acted. He knew literally nothing about him, and being completely clueless didn't help at all.

He felt like throwing up, his stomach didn't welcome ramyeon he had had for lunch and he just wanted it to be over so he could go to practice. The Qualifiers were five days away, and he was more ready than ever.

Baekhyun almost jumped out of his skin when he heard his name being called by the lady that came with the legate.

He gulped, walking step by step towards the office.

He was welcomed by usual smell of orchids that mrs. Kim loved, but instead of her sitting behind the table, he was looking at a middle aged white man.

Still tensed, he bowed, because even though a person in front of him didn't share his culture, it was an act of respect and he still did it, greeting the older man.

"Hello, young man. Please, sit down. " The man offered with a small, but warm smile on his face.

The legate was a man in middle fourties, with little wrinkles caused by laughing around his eyes. His expression gave away an impression of a kind man, and that made Baekhyun relax a little bit. He was wearing grey suit that matched his silver Rolex, and Baekhyun though that rich people were the same all over the world. The legate didn't look much different than a typical Korean businessman, except for the kinder look on his face.

"How are you, Baekhyun? Can I call you that?"

Baekhyun found it a little odd, but he smiled politely.

"Of course, sir. I am good, thank you."

The legate leaned down to get his folders out of his bag, and Baekhyun managed to read his name on his visitor card attached on his suit.

Professor Ian Sweeney.

Sweeney put on his reading glasses, his eyes tracking information on the papers.

"I see you have been top student in your generation for all three years. Volleyball team captain, best setter prizes, mathematics and chemistry competitions... Very impressive, I must admit. A kind of student we look for at Harvard."

"Thank you." Baekhyun bowed his head slightly again, because he was just too used to it.

"So." Professor Sweeney put down the papers, looking at Baekhyun over his glasses frame.

"What is your motivation to come to our university?"

Baekhyun composed himself, recalling practicing this answer for hundred times in front of a mirror.

"I have dreamed of becoming a doctor since I was a child. I want to get the best education I can, and I think that I can get that on your university. I want to do my best in my job one day and that's why I have chosen Harvard."

His answer was only partly true, but Sweeney didn't have to know that.

He seemed satisfied with the answer though, nodding in approvement.

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