Chapter 1

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The day started off like any other day. Camila woke up from a restless sleep and the first thought that rushed towards her was that she needed to face Lauren again and immediately she felt sick to her stomach. Lauren, the cool girl who took her under her wings and laugh at her stupid jokes. The girl who later became her protector, her best friend. The first person she ever loved, truly loved outside of her family. And for a while, the world was perfect.

And then it all turned south.

And now Lauren can barely look her in the eye. And if she ever did, it was with disdain and anger. Just because Camila uttered three little words to her.

"I love you."

The moment those three words left her mouth, Lauren froze. She turned towards Camila with confusion before disgust took over. She released her hand and took a step backwards.

"I'm not gay."

And she walked out, leaving Camila alone in the room. And soon after that, she stopped talking to her unless it was in front of the camera, the press, and their fans. It didn't matter that Camila tried to apologize and take those three words back. It didn't matter that Camila broke down crying in front of her multiple times. Lauren cut her off.

And it hurt. Camila never felt that kind of pain in her young life. The sun could have been shining brightly but all she felt was gloom. All the things that used to make her happy were now tainted with memories and things that would never be. But she trudged along because what else can she do. Even if she can't talk to her, she had to be near her.

So it was all confusing for her when that day Lauren came and sat down beside her. She nearly jumped in surprise and then she felt Lauren's hands on top of hers. She was almost afraid to look. Maybe Lauren thought she was someone else. Maybe if she didn't move or make a sound, Lauren won't let go of her hand.

"I'm sorry, Camz," Lauren whispered.

And just like that, her world lit up once again. Gone were the days when she would mope around. It was Lauren and her all the way even if they were the ones who only knew. Lauren wanted it to be a secret and who was she to argue. And when Lauren told her that she has to pretend that she was in a relationship with a man, Camila just nodded. And in their last night together, Lauren whispered again in her ear.

"No matter what they make me do, know that I only love you. These three words are only reserved for you."

When morning came, they parted ways. Camila to restart her career, uncertain how the public would receive her. Lauren back to the group and to one man who she had to pretend to. And every night, no matter what happened that day, they'll be on the phone sharing stories and feelings and apologies, whispering promises until they have to go.

But one night, Lauren did not answer. No matter how long Camila stared at her phone, her calls went to voicemail, her text went unanswered. She just knew that something bad was about to happen. She felt so faint, that her mother rushed her to the hospital. And it was when she returned to her hotel room, that she saw it. Lauren posted a picture of her and her boyfriend and captioned it with three words.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Camila chanted to herself as she walked in circles around her hotel room, wearing out the carpet in her wake. Ever since she saw the latest post from the person who she will no longer name, she had been overcome with emotions. She had been miserable and angry and confused.

"I love you."

Three meaningless words until you string them together. Three words that can make you whole. Three words that can break you apart. And in her case, it was the latter. The girl who promised her the world, broke her word. Those three little words were no longer for her.

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