Proxy? - Jeff

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     Toby didn't seem to like having his mask off. I don't understand how. He looks stunning, but he doesn't. He put his mask on and left after I saw him. I'm assuming that a mixture of whatever he drempt and me seeing him lead to it, and yeah, it's probably a nice idea to leave him alone, but I'm currently sneaking behind him into the woods.
     He was running, but he wasn't that hard to keep up with. That's probably my fault though, with all these years I've spend evading the cops. I had to purposely stay behind him. I felt like confrontation would make everything worse, so I watched from a distance. I observed and silently hoped that he was okay.
     He stopped at a clearing, and just stood, looking at a group of trees. Then he started mumbling. My eyes darted around, trying to find out and understand what was going on. That's when I realized that among that group of trees, there was a tall faceless man.
     The second I spotted him, static started blaring in my ears. It was so loud that it almost hurt, in a way. Toby seemed unaffected though. He seemed like he was in a trance. The static got worse, and it took so much fighting to keep myself from screaming again. Then, I saw the man's finger pointed towards me.
     Toby spun around. I couldn't see his eyes, but I could tell from the way that he ran towards me and the way he gripped his hatchets that he was out for blood. I probably should have ran, but I didn't. I stood there, gripping the knife handle inside my pocket. I didn't want to hurt him. I just wanted to protect him. It was a weird feeling for me, but it was all I wanted. In a way, it felt amazing to think that I could make someone feel safe like that, but Toby had the intent to kill, and as much as I don't want to fight him, I have to.
     He swung his right hatchet at me. It went into my shoulder, causing pain to shoot down my arm. I took my knife out, just in time to block the incoming blow of his other hatchet. "Chill the hell out!" I said. "It's me. You know, Jeff." It didn't phase him. He only swung again.
     "Shit!" I yelled. "You're his fucking proxy!" There was no way to get out of it. Toby was on mission to kill me. I couldn't hurt him. I blocked off his hatchets for a bit, before finally giving up. "Go ahead," I muttered. If I were to die, it had to be at the hands of someone I loved. Wait...loved?!

Serial Killer (Jeff the Killer X Ticci Toby)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora