Unmasked - Toby

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I had taken my mask off to eat, and it felt so strange. I didn't like it. Jeff seemed to understand that I didn't want to be seen. He didn't even try to glance at me. I excused myself to the bathroom, my mouth guard in hand. I locked the door and took off my goggles before starring into the mirror. I looked at the gash on the left side of my mouth. In a way, it reminded me of Jeff's smile. Only, I didn't want mine. It had just happened.

I hated it. Every time I went out, I could feel eyes on me. So I stopped going out. The only time I had left anyway was car rides with mom, and it was easy enough to avoid them. It was easy to avoid most things. One day, mom had brought home the mask, and it was probably the greatest thing she had ever given me. But it annoyed dad. Maybe he thought I looked dumb, I don't know. But he'd force me to take it off whenever I left my room. It was hellish. I didn't want him to see. I didn't want anyone to see, because maybe if no one saw it would be as if it didn't exist.

I watched myself twitching in the mirror for a couple seconds. I hated my twitching too. I sighed, before slipping my mask and goggles back in, and going back. Jeff had already finished eating his waffles. "So what now?" He asked. I just shrugged. "Maybe sleep?" He laughed. "I don't have eyelids. I can't sleep." I didn't consider that. "I mean, we could-." He cut me off again. He seems to enjoy interrupting people. "You can sleep though. You probably need to."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah," he responded. "Unless Liu tipped the cops off, there's no way, they'll come here tonight, so you'll have a bed tonight, instead of the ground." I honestly, didn't want to. I didn't know what he was going to do all night, and a part of me just wanted to be with him. It was weird, but even though we had only met tonight, he had shown me more niceness than most people in my life. Something in my head wouldn't let go of the idea that I could trust him.

I did lay down though, and after a bit, I fell asleep. I dreamt of the car crash again. I heard Lyra's screams, and I saw all of the glass flying everywhere, and the fire that sprung up the second after the two of us crawled out of the car. I saw and heard the car explode, just seconds before Lyra passed out in my arms. I hated the sight. I hated all of it. When I awoke, Lyra was starring back at me, her face bloody, an her blonde hair slightly falling into her face. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything, but silently cry as she stood above me. "Toby," she whispered. Then she repeated my name, again and again, until her voice morphed into a man's voice, into Jeff's voice.

"Toby, are you alright?" He asked. My eyes darted around the room, until I saw him at the side of the bed. Lyra was gone. "I'm good," I lied. "You're crying," he said, wiping a few tears from my eyes. "What happened?" "I just had a weird dream," I said, trying to make it seem like it wasn't bad. "I'm alright." Jeff's hands trailed down to my cheek. "I'm so sorry." That's when it occurred to me. I wasn't wearing my mask. I shot up and grabbed it. "You don't have to hide it," he told me. "You look amazing." I shook my head and put my mask on.

Serial Killer (Jeff the Killer X Ticci Toby)Where stories live. Discover now