Run - Toby

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I can't close my eyes without seeing it. It's been forever burnt into my brain. No matter how distracted I am or how many other thoughts are racing through my brain, it's always there. It's the most prevalent thought I have, and I hate that I have it. I hate that it happened. I hate that I couldn't stop it, and I hate that I didn't even know it was going on. I hate everything about the entire situation.

I had never had a problem with blood, never even flinched at the sight of a car crash. Yet now, the thought is enough to induce vomiting. My twitching worsened after the crash. As did my health, but I didn't care. I only cared about Lyra, and now she was gone. I was with her in the car. The doctors said that I was "lucky" to be alive, but I was far from lucky. This wasn't at all what I wanted.

I am stuck constantly seeing and reliving the crash. Sometimes, I swear, I see Lyra again. Other times, I see this tall man in a suit, but it's probably all just in my head. My head likes to do a lot of weird things recently, even weirder than before. I spend a lot of time in there, so much that most of the real world becomes a blur, and at times seems so fucking far from reality, but it is reality. It's my head that isn't real, and sometimes that completely baffles me. There's just so fucking many pieces missing from the real world, so many memories that just completely disappear, but everything in my head is there, and it makes perfect sense. Today in particular, I don't understand. There's just a huge gap that I don't remember. All I know is that I ended up running through the woods, a hatchet in each hand, police sirens rang out, and fire was burning all around me. My ears were ringing so loudly. I saw the man again, just for a second before I completely blacked out.

I woke up even deeper into the woods. The fire and police were gone, but the hatchets laid by my side. "Toby," the man said to me. "I thought I was dead," I mumbled. "No," he responded. "It's not your time yet." Then he disappeared. I was so confused. Maybe I dreamt it. I don't know. I grabbed my hatchets anyway and started running. My thoughts were racing, but none of them made sense. I ran until I made it to a river, then the memories flooded back.

I had killed my dad. I stabbed him, and sat the house on fire, and holy shit, what is my mom going to think? I didn't think about her. Fuck! She's going to be so devastated, her daughter and husband dead, me missing. I didn't think this through. I didn't think anything through. My instincts completely took over. My mind was running wild, and I felt myself start to tic and twitch violently. I muttered a string of cuss words, trying to get a hold of myself, but instead only ended up crying and flinging the hatchets out of my hands.

That's when I saw him. I didn't think he was real at first, but a blonde boy in green rose out of the river. His back was turned to me, but for some reason, my brain was telling me to run. With the man earlier, I felt a weird sense of safeness, and this felt almost opposite. I started backing up, and grabbed my thrown hatchet. He laughed a bit and spun around. His eyes were gone. There was only blackness, and blood was leaking from the sockets. I didn't look at him anymore. I took off, running faster than I ever had before.

I felt like if I ran enough, I would forget everything that had just happened. I could just run from all of the memories, but that was a dumb thought. I knew that as much as I forget things, I could never forget any of that. There was just no way to. I didn't know where I was running. I had nowhere to go. I couldn't go back home, even if it happened to still be standing. I had no friends, so I couldn't go to a friends' house. I had no clue how to find the man in the suit, so I was just running.

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