Chapter 7: Special Training 101

Comenzar desde el principio

Ui Bong and I stood up and greeted them formally.

“Ui Bong, Rhianne, this is Ki-joon. I know you already know him. He is going to be your acting trainer. You two will be together in this session.” he said.

Ui Bong’s and my eyes enlarged in surprise.

“And Mark, Jimin and Yerin will be with you today.” JYP added.

That made my heart beat faster.

“Yerin of 15&?” Ui Bong said. JYP nodded.

Ui bong smiled in excitement while I smiled weakly. Mark is going to be with us. Mark. Mark. Mark.

Then suddenly, I heard footsteps. I feel that they are here.

I raised my head and yeah, they’re here.

“Okay, so it seems like everyone is already here. I think everyone should take a seat.” Ki joon-seonsaengnim said.

Everyone had their seat and I was beside Ui Bong and Yerin. Good thing it’s not Mark or else I’ll be having a heart attack.

“Welcome to your special training 101. This session will give you enough knowledge and experience about acting. So to remove all the tension here, we’re going to have some icebreaker.” he said.

“Ooooh, I love it.” Jimin said.

“You don’t even know what it’s going to be.” Yerin said. Then Jimin pouted.

Jimin is so cute. J

“Okay, so get the first letter of your name.”

Uh-oh, I think I know this.

“Got it? Then, think of an adjective that will describe you that starts with the first letter of your name.”

Ugh. I’m right. Why my name did start with letter ‘R’? It’s hard to think of an adjective starting with this letter.

“The twist here is that you’re going to act the word you have chosen. You may use the white board if you need illustration.” he said. “Be creative! I’ll give you one-minute.” he added.

“One minute?” Ui Bong said.

“59..58..57…” and seonsaengnim continue to count.

R, what am I going to do with you?

“Don’t ever forget to put that inside the radical sign.”


Oooh. Radical. I suddenly heard the voice of my former Math professor. But how will I be able to act it?

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