How To Get An Address

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Thirty minutes later, Vanessa realized the most crucial thing in her life, the very thing that had brought her to this incontrovertible job.

I'm cursed. And-

"I'm so dumb," Vanessa muttered. She was leaning on the wall, patiently waiting till the 'patient' packed his belongings. "For the record, you're included too."

"Why do you say so?" Eric mused casually. He was turning his back to her, so his expression was a mystery to her.

Was he being sarcastic? Or just curious?

A question popped in her mind. "Are you bipolar?"

He turned around and his expression caught her by surprise. He was smiling, sure he did it every other second, but this was quite different.

Since the first time he had smiled, she knew they were fake, completely moulded from synthetic emotions that labelled him the 'Prince of Greenwich'. But now, he was actually smiling. It wasn't wide or filled in for the rest of his taut muscles, but they curved with a grace that pulled at her heartstrings.

"You're smiling," she said without thinking.

He rolled his eyes, as if it was the most obvious thing she had said. Technically, it was. "No shit Sherlock, I always smile."

She frowned. Was she suffering from a delusion? Ever since he entered her once blissful life, she has started believing in ghosts also.

"Unless you're planning on spending the night at the hospital, you can join me," he called.

She looked up and found that he was already outside the room, preparing to leave. She walked to him in rapid steps. You never know, he could lock her inside the room and run away.

"Are you sure you didn't leave anything behind?" she asked.

"Except you, nothing else."

She nudged him with her elbow lightly.

He yelped and said with pressed lips, "did anyone mention that you have exceptionally sharp elbows?"

"Did anyone mention that you have an exceptionally annoying wit?"

"You're the first," he said and touched his heart. "I feel complimented."

She impatiently pressed the button multiple times, poking it ferociously but the lift seemed to not budge from the ground floor. "Ugh."

He wrapped his fingers around her impatient ones and peeled it off. "Patience, dollface."

She snatched her hand from his warm grasp, ignoring the little sparks his touch left on her. "Don't call me that."

"Hmm." He mulled for a few seconds and snapped his fingers, "how about sugar lips then?"

She made a face. "Don't ever call me that. And you sound like a class-A pervert."

He pouted adoringly and leaned with his side against the wall.

Goodness, why did she find him adoring?

"Vanessa is boring," he said and smiled slyly, "it sounds like the villain of the story."

Vanessa scoffed. "I didn't tell you I was any heroine."

"Oh darling," he neared her till his lips brushed against her ears and whispered, "we are all heroes and heroines in our own stories."

The lift opened and he stepped in. He gestured her to join him, a mocking smile on his face. She decided that this expression befitted his arrogant face, it was easy to despise him in this way.

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