He barked and ran to her, making her presence known to the family. Which constituted of a sullen brother and a tired father, both their eyes grinding laser holes into the magazine in their hands. They looked like two reluctant patients at a dental waiting fir their turns. Albeit the contrast in their interests, her brother had a typical man 'toolkit' where each page was adorned with either a bikini models or tramps with their smoldering smiles. Men will always be men.

"What's up dad?" she said and sat on the arm of the couch where her father sat.

He closed the paper immediately and smiled. "Just the usual boilings in Baltimore."

She nodded, not wanting to continue with the conversation. She had always hated hearing about crime scenes, never wanted to be in one or see them.

"Took you long enough sissy," Alex said and tapped her head lightly. "I've been starving myself to death like a homeless dog all day."

"You haven't even got a meagre caliber of patience as Buddy here has," Vanessa said as she took her seat in the table. Buddy woofed in approval.

Alex sat opposite to her, their father sitting infront of them. It had always been this way for as long as Vanessa could remember. They had always had home cooked meals together for dinner, it was like a ritual that no one denied. Vanessa liked it anyway, it was the only time she could spend quality time with her small family. Most of the time, the two men were invested in the never-ending crimes revolving in Baltimore.

"This reminds me of things I don't want to mention," Alex said making a disgusted face. They were trying Chinese cuisine today, as Vanessa had requested, but she hadn't realized that the food wouldn't look humanly edible.

"It is very considerate of you to not mention it, Alexander," her father said, throwing a suspicion glance at the food himself.

"Ladies first," Alex said, feigning sincerity.

Vanessa rolled her eyes and muttered, "Coward." She opened the first dish, despite its stark apparition it tasted pretty good. But just like the men in her family, she knew nothing about a kitchen, much less point the difference between capsicums and green chilies.

They started eating and infact enjoyed it, despite not knowing least the name of the food. No one learnt Chinese at school.

"So, Vanessa," her father started. "Is any of your friends unwell?"

Vanessa shook her head, partly curious and confused. "No, we are hale and healthy oestrogen loaded girls, dad. Why do you ask?"

He frowned and shook his head. "When you came from practise today, you smelled like someone coming from a hospital. That's why."

The chopsticks that she had boasted about holding it like a native chinese fell from her hand. She looked at her father, not blinking. Damn, he was like a sniffing dog.

She remembered the small visit up to the seventh floor of the Baltimore county hospital, looking through the narrow gap of the open door at the sleeping figure. Was she just a coward or an egotistic being? She was going to figure that out soon.

"Vanessa?" Alex shook her by the shoulder. "What's up? You look distracted lately, calm your nerves down before the big game. Okay?"

She nodded. She realised that her father had left to sleep, it was pretty late in the night and he had to leave to work early the next morning. The dishes and plates were cleared by their maid. Wow, that was quick.

"Good night." He planted a kiss on her wet hair. "Don't forget to blow dry your hair before you sleep, you'll end up having a fever tomorrow."

She sighed as she heard the door close behind. She was alone, again.


Not exactly alone then.

She looked down and broke into a grin. Buddy was pawing at her feet lightly as if reassuring her that she would never be alone.

"Shall we play?"

Buddy woofed in response, sharing his enthusiasm by standing on his hind legs. Standing beside Vanessa, the huge mammal reached over her waist.

Vanessa played fetch with Buddy till the dog lay flat on her bed, his black taut skin heaving up and down. She lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, her mind reeling back to the day's significant events. Which happened to be null. Except-

"Why are you doing this to me?" She pulled her wet hair by the ends in frustration and groaned loudly. Why couldn't she sleep? Why was she thinking of a stranger? Upon analyzing the situation a trillion times, there were three things that registered in her mind.

One, he was a stranger.

Two, he was a complete stranger.

Three, he was an arrogant conceited complete stranger.

Despite knowing it was a portentous need, why did he occupy her min?

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