Chapter 20

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Rosie's p.o.v.

Niall left with Josh into the hallway.  Emma crossed her arms and leaned back on the counter. She was acting so cocky and conceeded I wanted to tackle her to the floor right there.

"You don't even like Josh do you? You're so pathetic and sick what are you getting out of this? Niall is never going to leave me and he would never date you." Emma laughed obnoxiously.

"Actually Josh Is quite hot. You're very wrong, Rosie. Stop lying to yourself! You are the one who is pathetic and sick. You don't deserve Niall. Maybe he won't go crawling to me but once I'm through you'll surely be out of the picture. Josh is too good of a friend to Niall. Soon that pretty little ring will be on someone else's finger."

She was wrong. She couldn't possibley get to Niall like that. Niall loved me. But she was getting to me, and she knew it. She carried a big fat smirk and I wanted to replace it with a black eye.

"But don't worry Harry still loves you. You could always date him. Oh wait, you set him up with your best friend. Was that to avoid his feelings for you, Rosie?" I glared at her.

"What?" I asked, my voice was dripping with venom.

"Oh? Your still pretending you don't know Harry loves you? Now that's really pathetic. You shouldn't play with his emotions like that. No wonder he is ignoring you." How does she know all this? This went beyond rumors and blogs. This was pure stalking. 

"What are you going to do? Tell Niall? Emma there is nothing you can do to screw things up with me and Niall. Just leave." I threw a blue berry at her face and went back to eating my waffel. She looked stunned.

"Very mature." She smirked. Josh stormed out of the hallway and grabbed Emmas' arm.

"Come on babe, we're leaving." Venom was dripping from his lips as well as he pulled her out the door. She wiggled her fingers at me and I wiggled my middle finger at her. She made a fake hurt face and slammed the door behind her.

"Bitch." I muttered. I could feel tears welling in my eyes. Niall warpped his arms around me and sat next to me.

"Niall." I choked over escaping sobs, "she's trying to break us up!" Niall squeezed me tightly and pulled my head into his chest.

"No. shh. She can't."

I hope he was right.


Niall and Zayn had gone out for lunch. Laryssa was in her room on her laptop. My phone started buzzing. I picked it up. It was a text from Harry.

can you come outside? We need to talk.

I put my phone away slowly. What could he want to talk about? I sat their pondering what to do. After about a minute my feet took over and I go up to open the door. Harry was looking at the floor like it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen. I cleared my throat quietly and he looked up and smiled faintly. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. 

"What is it Harry?" I asked sitting on a bench next to the front door. Harry joined me.

"Um, well it's Emma. I wanted to make sure you were OK." I had a feeling that wasn't the main reason he came.

"Yea. I'm fine. She just really ticks me off you know? She wants to break me and Niall up. And....she knows stuff. Weird stuff that I thought only I knew. She is a step beyond super obsessed fan." I said. Harry took my hand. This felt wrong. Something was wrong.

"Harry can I ask you something?" I whispered pulling my hands into my lap.

"Yea. Anything." Harry said readjusting himself to look at me. 

"Ever since you started dating Laryssa you barely talk to me. You don't even look at me anymore. Harry I don't want to loose you as a friend." I said turning to look at him. He looked like he was thinking something over.

"I just..." he paused and squinted his eyes as if deciding something mentally, "I can't stand pretending anymore Rose." Harry stood up. What did he mean? I knew. I just told myself that I didn't.

"Harry-" He turned to face me again. He looked like he was about to cry.

"I love you. But I can't be with you. I'm trying to make things better for me and it's hard to be around you. I'm sorry. But don't you dare pretend you didn't know that already because we both know you weren't drunk that night."  I stood up.

"Harry, I'm sorry." I didn't know what to do. I was loosing everyone. Harry, Josh, it felt like Laryssa was slipping away, and now Emma threatened to take away Niall too.

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. But I need to go." I wanted to hug him. To laugh and joke with him like we were back on tour and everything was OK. But the fun was definitely gone. I turned back to go inside. I got another text. I looked down and it was from Josh. Josh?

Hey "Rose", cute chat with lover boy. Thanks for the footage though. check youtube and search 1dsuperfan39 ;) -Emma

There was a video attached with our entire conversation. Suddenly I felt very unsafe. She had video taped the whole thing, but she could edit it to make it look bad. It already looked bad. Harry had said he loved me. Fans would go crazy with that information. If Niall and Laryssa knew we would both have torn friendships. Maybe Emma really could tear my life apart. I felt my eyes start to rim with tears reluctantly. I stumbled up the stairs and opened my lap top. I went on youtube and typed in the tag 1dsuperfan39. It came up. 2 videos. The video of me drunk from the party. Over 3,000 views. The video of me and Harry. She posted it alright. It had 200 views and climbing. I clicked play. She didn't even edit it but from her angle it still looked bad. I scrolled down to check the comments.

what about that blonde chick Harry is seeing?

I agree! Hosie/Rarry forever!!

Well Harry and Rosie would be so adorable together. I totally think they should date.

Rosie is not a bitch. She just loves our Nialler!

Wow Rosie is a bitch for shooting Harry down like that. I'd kill to have Harry love me.

The comments went on. I checked twitter. My mentions were full of questions. Most of them were asking if I loved Harry back. People were tweeting me the video. It was up everywhere on twitter. Even my old favorite one direction updates page had tweeted it out. That means Niall would see it. I coudln't take this.Pools of tears spilled over onto my cheeks. My hands were shaking and my phone dropped my my fingers and tumbled onto the carpet. 

"Rosie? What happened?" I acknowleged Niall's voice ask. I felt the warmth of his arms around me. I tried to shut my lap top but it was too late.

"NO! Niall you can't watch that." It was too late. Niall clicked play. It felt like the timer on a bomb had just gotten to zero, shattering my heart to bits.

"Oh." Was all Niall muttered when the video was over.

"Niall I don't like Harry like that! Nothing happened between us.This was Emma. She posted this." 

Niall closed the lap top slowly. He didn't meet my eyes, and it was killing me.

"What did Harry mean when he said 'we both know your weren't drunk that night'?" Niall asked. He was sitting up now, not touching me or comforting me, but at least looking at me. He seemed upset and worried. I hesitated before answering, but knew that I had to truthfully.

"Harry got drunk." I swallowed, "He told me that he loved me. And I pretended that I was drunk and I couldn't remember. But we both knew. I was in denial. I want Harry to be my friend, I want Laryssa to stay my friend and now neither can happen." I felt a little tear escape. Niall leaned forward and brushed it away. 

"I'm so sorry, Niall." I whimpered, he smiled faintly at me, 

"It's not your fault. You can't help that you're so iresistable." He winked and I managed a small smile before he continued,

"Before you know it this Emma business with be over with. Don't worry I'll get proof. I have a plan." 

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