Chapter 17

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Rosie's p.o.v.

I had woke up at my normal time and decided to go downstairs and make sure Laryssa had made it home alright. I found Laryssa sitting on one of the bar stools in the kitchen.

"Good morning." I greeted berfore taking and seat across from her.

She smiled up at me, fingers wrapped around a steaming coffee. Laryssa had never been a morning person. She was wearing a gray sweater and black Soffe's. She had her blonde hair in a pony tail and her bangs were every where. I remember always being jealous of her.

"So how was it last night?" I asked curiously. I mean, Laryssa would be a good match for Harry. I wanted their relationship to go well. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the twinkle in her eyes.

"I really like him, Rose. He's got that cute personality. He's really sweet" She smiled into her coffee. But slowly, I watched her smile fade.

"There's a big old but here isn't there?" I laughed. She looked back to me, burshing her messy bangs away.

"I can't stay here like you can all summer." She paused and sighed,  "Harry asked me to be his girlfriend last night when we were walking back." This was rough. I wanted her to stay here forever so Harry could be happy and so I would have a girl friend around. 

"You said yes right?" I felt my voice go high with hope. If she said no, I think Harry would be crushed.

"Of course I did. I mean, it's Harry Styles. It's just I'm never going to see him. It's not fair to him." Well, I had always made it work with Niall. But of course, that was after spending a lot time with him.  I had formed trust in Niall. Not that is was very hard to trust Niall.

"How long can you stay?"  I asked playing with the sleeves on Niall's sweater that I had stole last night. His clothes always smelled nice.

"A week." I nodded. A week was enough time.

"I think you can make it work. You just have to get comfortable with him while you can. So you can learn to trust him." Her expression changed.

"Trust him." she muttered and she took a sip of her coffee. She was a fan. She knew how rumors were. She was afraid of the rumors that would start when she went away. I had been too. Whenever one came up Niall had always called me before I even questioned him. I wouldn't have anyways. Niall wasn't like that. But was Harry?


**Laryssa's p.o.v.**

Harry had asked me to join him for dinner. I asked Rosie if we could double date and she said it was up to Harry. I didn't want to go with just me and Harry yet. But I guess maybe we should get used to each other. Since I'm supposed to learn to trust him or whatever. I decided not to ask Harry. 

Rosie was helping me get ready. I put on my blue mini skirt that flared out at the bottom and paired it with a plain white top and jean jacket. Rosie lent me one of her long silver necklaces. She had about a million because she loved them. I noticed she hadn't really been using them though since Niall gave her that necklace. She never took it off. I put on sandals, than decided I could use some height and put on my black pumps. I put my hair in a tight pony tail and applied some light make up.

"I don't understand how you can wear those without toppling over." Rosie said pointing to my heels. I shrugged. Rosie wore a lot of dresses, but she never did anything else girly. She barely wore make up, if she wore heels they were 2 inches high, and when she wasn't wearing a dress or a skirt she was wearing something of Niall's. She is an odd girl. I walked down the stairs followed by Rosie. Harry was in the kitchen talking to Niall. When he saw me he stopped talking and smiled. God he was cute. I might have fainted. This was like a dream.

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