Chapter 4

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Nialls p.o.v.

For some weird reason, I woke up so early even Rosie was still sleeping. What happened last night? She still had her head on my chest. She was so beautiful when she slept. She stirred a bit. Her tank top was really bright. Her sweatpants slid down a bit. Was that a thong? Maybe I shouldn't be looking. I think I basically told her I liked her last night. I shoudn't have. I don't want her to leave because of me. Her eyes opened and she smiled up at me.

"You're awake?" She giggled. I nodded. I wasn't sure if I had a voice.

She sat up a bit. God how could she look so put together this early?

"What do you want for breakfast?" I shrugged and decided to test my voice, "I want to sleep allll day long." She giggled and kissed me on the cheek. "Not possible. I'm going to go get dressed." She said and she ran over to her suitcase. I noticed she hung a few things up in the closet. She stood there for a long time. 

"Hey Rosie! Me and Louis are going surfing this morning, do you want to come?"  Liam asked leaning in the doorway.

The thought of Rosie in a bikini flashed through my mind. This was bad. I couldn't like her. I didn't seem like her type. She smiled,

"Well I don't know how to surf, but I wouldn't mind to learn if you're willing to teach me." She replied, "I'd be happy to. Do you have a baithing suit and a wet shirt?" Rosie looked in her suitcase.

"No wet shirt but i have a bikini." I cleared my throat.

"That will do. See you in a bit." Liam said and closed the door.

She ruffled through her stuff and grabbed a purple ball and nearly flew to the bathroom. "Somone's excited?" I called to her, She closed the door.

"Yea! I've always wanted to learn to surf!" she gushed. I wanted to come really badly.

I got up and went out to see Liam and Louis all ready to go. "Is she coming?" asked Louis. "Yea. Um, could I come to"

Louis raised his eyebrows at me. I knew what was coming. "Does a certain Niall have a crush on our little cheff?" Louis asked teasingly.

"Hi Rosie!" Liam said waving and looking over my shoulder. I felt myself blush. Did she hear Louis? I turned around and there she was.

She had on a purple bikini and she looked really stunning. "Hey." I managed.

She smiled and ran up to Liam "So will you teach me?" Liam glanced at me, "Yea and um Niall you coming?" I would have to thank him later, "Yea sure." Rosie smiled really big and hugged me for some reason. She's cute but I don't get her yet. 

Rosies p.o.v.

I was so happy Niall was coming. We finally got to the beach and Niall sat down in the sand. Liam handed me an extra board and he waved for me to come out.

To be honest I sucked at it. It was really fun but I just could not stand for more than 10 seconds. Then there came a really big wave and I tried to get it, Louis totally whiped out on it, Liam caught it, and it knocked me up and over. The next thing I know me and Louis are washed up on the sand and Liam and Niall are having a laughing fest. Niall was fully dressed so I decided to give him some pay back for laughing at me. I tackled him into a hug and got him sopping wet.

"Rosssssie!" he said pushing me off of him. "You're cooold!" He whined as he threw a towl at me. I giggled and wrapped the towl around my shoulders.


We got back and I ran into the hotel room. "AIRCONDITIONG!!" Niall shouted.

"You could have come in the water with us." Liam pointed out, "Yea Niall you should have!" I said as I threw my towl over his head.

He peeled it off and threw it at me. I caught it and threw it over my shoulder. I started to walk back over to the room when Niall stopped me.

"Wait um..Rosie?" I turned around and gave him the "yea what do you want?" look.

"Do you want to come to the concert tonight?" the only real question was what would I wear?

"YES!! of course!" I squealed and gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran off to get dressed.

Nialls p.o.v.

"You should ask her out at the concert." Zayn suggested.

It was a good way to do it, the problem was, should I? I had just met her.

"I don't know Zayn. I don't think I'm her type." Harry sat down next to Zayn

"Do you even know what her type is?" He asked. Good point. I had no idea.

Another reason why it was a bad idea. "I don't want you to get hurt Niall, but to be honest, she is a fan. There is no way she is going to say no. But that doesn't mean you two are a good match."

Louis shrugged, "Only one way to find out." That was also true.

I didn't want to hurt Rosie though. We had only known each other for two days. "Guys keep it down she is probably done."

Louis laughed "She is a girl Zayn!" Zayn shrugged,

"Well at least I think I am." Rosie said as she stepped forward,

"Rosie? How long have you been there?" I asked nervously,

"About 30 seconds. Don't worry I didn't hear your top secret conversation. Just Louis stating the obvious." She said as she adjusted her purse.

She was wearing a little more makeup then she had worn the past few days she'd been here. She looked beautiful. She had a light pink high wasted skirt and a cream shirt to match. She had a little over the shoulder purse for her phone I guess. She looked nervous. She smiled up at me.

"So do I get front row or what?" she said with a smirk.

Louis raised an eyebrow, "Diva much?" She gave Louis a punch on the shoulder. Louis didn't say anything but it looked like it hurt.

"You can watch from backstage. People know your with us now and Paul doesn't think it's safe. Don't wory you'll still see us." Harry explained. She startled smiling and gave me a hug. Why does she keep doing that?

Rosies p.o.v.

It was about half way through the show. The boys had done really well but Niall looked kind of distant. It was time for twitter questions. The boys answered one and they were finding the girl who had asked it in the crowd.

Then suddenly Niall stood up from the couch. "Um..well. Do you all know that contest we had a few days ago?"

The crowd went nuts, "OK I guess that's a yes.. well a really lovely girl won it, and she is a good cook so we kept her around. Does anyone know her?"

Why was he talking about me?

"Well her name is Rosie and she is here watching right now. Liam could you go get her?"

Suddenly Liam disapeared and then reapeared in front of me.

"What's going on?" Liam ignored me and pulled me onstage.

It was really bright out there and  I was really scared. But the crowd was still going nuts.

"Well It's only been a few days but Rosie I really like you and I  think you're really pretty and..." He was looking right at me. Wait...he likes me? What?

"Would you be my girlfriend?" The crowd awwed I heared a few screams and boos but I ignored them. What? Oh yea. I have to answer. I let my heart decided. I shook my head yes. Niall pulled me into this big hug and everyone was cheering. What? I was dating Niall Horan.

It had to be a dream.

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