Chapter 18

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Rosie's p.o.v.

Today me, Laryssa, Danielle, Eleanore, and Perrie planned to go shopping. Shopping in London would be fun. I had some money saved from a side job I had while in college and my parents sent me over some money. We stopped in Starbucks and ordered some coffee. There were a lot of fans following us and taking pictures, but none of them approached us. I had on my black and white stripped dress with a thin black belt, flip flops and a tiny black purse with a long strap. I never liked big purses, just ones that I could throw around my neck and forget about. 

"So Laryssa how was last night?" Danielle asked. We were in some clothing store. I was fingering this pretty pastel blue dress I knew I couldn't afford.

"It was nice. Harry is really sweet." She answered running her fingers over the dresses hanging on the racks.

"Try it on Rosie!" I heard Perrie say. I smiled over at her.

"I don't want to fall in love with it." I said.

I glanced at the price tag without letting Perrie see. Yep there was no way in hell I could afford that. Maybe I could get Niall to sign something and sell it on eBay. No, that would be wrong. Well, would it?

"I think you already have fallen in love with it!" Come on just try it on!

So I decided that it couldn't hurt. I went behind the curtain to try it on. About a minute later I heard a couple of squeals. What was going on out there?

"You are not supposed to be here! This is girls day!" I heard Danielle say to someone. Who was it? Liam?

I got the dress on and came out to find a stunned Niall. What was he doing here?

"Wow. You look beautiful." I looked down at the ground and Eleanore pulled me in front of the mirror. The dress was very pretty. It was strapless and it had a heart shape cut out in the back. The material was rather thick and it flared out.

"You are SO getting this." Laryssa inquired fluffing it's skirt out.

"I'd have to sell my boyfriend to afford this." I heard Niall laugh from behind me.

"You are NOT selling me. I'm getting it for you." I spun around to look at him,

"No! It's too much." Niall shrugged. 

"It looks amazing on you, and you look happy with it. I'm getting it for you." 

I figured there was no point arguing with him. And honestly I did really want the dress. I gave Niall a big hug and ran back into the dressing room to get changed back. I have the best boyfriend in the world.

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