Chapter 30

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                                                                               -2 years later-

Rosie's p.o.v.

I pulled on my white sparkly dress with the shoes Harry got me for my birthday very long ago. I slipped on the necklace and bracelet Niall bought me, and scrambled to finish my makeup. Making a mess of the bathroom I finally threw my lip gloss back onto the counter and shut off the light.

"Roseee! Do you really want to be late for your graduation? Hurry it up!" Niall called from behind the bedroom door. I didn't respond, I simply grabbed my gown and tugged it over my head. I securely pinned my hat down over my ringlet curls and opened the door. Laryssa, Sophia, Niall and all the boys were outside waiting for me. Sophia was dressed in her gown as well, and her favorite black dress. Niall pecked me lovingly on the cheek as I drew in a deep breath. Wordless, we all moved to head out the door. I was nervous because I had to make a speech. 

"You'll do great." Sophia whispered to me, sensing that I was nervous. I offered her a weak smile.

I wasn't good at talking in front of people. I could write the most amazing speech, but be too afraid to read it. We reached the school, and rather rapidly Sophia and I found our seats. It was held in the gym since it there was a very great chance of rain. All the important people in our school started rambling, making speeches and jokes attempting to make us laugh. You know those jokes only your parents laugh at? Anyhow, the school was huge so they called the students in groups to receive their diplomas. When they called Sophia and I's group, I stood up absentminded. It finally set in at that moment; my life with Niall began here. In this crowded dusty room, with only a few people I truly cared about amoung thousands. I heard the boys shouting and clapping obnoxiously. 

"YOU GO ROSE!!!"  I'm not sure but I think and Harry and Niall said that in sync,

"YEA ROSIE!!" someone screamed at the top of their lungs. It sounded like Louis. We sat down but before I could take my seat, the Dean called the Valedictorian to come up and speak. That was me. I took a deep breath and walked up the enormous isle to the podium. It seemed like I had hiked a mile uphill once I finally reached the microphone. I could sense all eyes on me, and a shiver ran down my back. Almost everyone knew me. There was a ton riding on this moment. I noticed many people had got out their cell phones to record it. No pressure or anything. I reached the podium, and looked out to the audience. I found Niall in the crowd, and breathed in his support. His eyes sparkled with love and pride. I returned the air my throat had stolen and began the speech I had practiced about 1,000 and 1 times.

"So. You are all probably wondering why an American girl is standing up here talking to you, posing as Valedictorian in a British college. The truth is, I never saw myself up here either. Well, the thing is, I hated my home town. Now, I'm not saying I hated America, because I love my country.

However, I felt trapped in a small town. I felt like the walls of the state were closing in on me and I would never be able to leave. I needed to prove to myself that I could escape. I wanted to go far away and start a life for myself. Some of you might think that the only reason I went to college in London was so I could be with my Fiance. Well sure, that was nice, but that was never the reason.

The reason I wanted to become a photographer was because I love photography. Obviously. But honestly if I didn't love it I wouldn't be standing up here. You need to be passionate about what you choose to do in life or you won't get very far. I believe that the only true motivator in life is passion. I hope that you all have made your decision based on what you love. I know standing in front of all these art students that most likely none of you chose this path to make a lot of money. You all took a great leap of faith here. As long as you let your passion guide you I truly believe you can never go wrong. From this day on, whatever you chose. 

I would really like to thank Niall, and all my friends because without them, I probably wouldn't be here. I never like school, I hated studying. However when I saw the people I loved, the people I was passionate about, I knew that I had to work as hard as humanly possible.

Maybe none of you will do anything past this day. Maybe you all will. Some of you might make millions. Others of you might change your career down the road. Today might be start of a wonderful life. You won't know until you try. You don't know if your lives with have happy endings. You don't know if they will end tomorrow. But today, is a beginning, at least you can say that you had a happy beginning."

I sighed to myself and waited for a response.The audience was silent for a few seconds, like they were mulling over what I had just said. Than the entire place erupted in cheers. Everyone was on their feet and clapping, sharp noise and booming cheers bouncing off the solid walls. I found Niall with my eyes, and he had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm so proud of you."

He mouthed to me. And I knew, I would remember that moment forever. People were still clapping and cheering as I made my way to my seat. Time seemed to slow down as I reached Sophia. She pulled me into a tight hug. Even Sophia, the toughest girl I knew, was crying. 

"Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, The graduating class of 2017!!" I heard over the loud screams. Soon the sky was flooded with blue caps. My cap landed in my hands again, and I clutched it like it was my world. Seconds later I found myself in Nialls arms. His tears streaming down his face were soaking his shirt. I whiped them away gently and pulled him in for a kiss.

"You know what this means?" Laryssa asked after we pulled away from our kiss.

"What?" Niall asked, not letting go of my waist.

"We have a wedding to plan!" She exclaimed. An evil smile spread across her face. 

Oh no. This should be good.

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