Chapter 14: News

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(There are many types of fillers in this world- this one is in a book, meant to inform you of what will happen in the next chapter.)

~Chapter 14: News~

>Todoroki's PoV<


"What's wrong?"

Kirishima called me frantically, we don't talk much so it must be something important.

"What happened? Bakugou has been going crazy for the last hour, do you know what's wrong?"

I heard some yelling over the line, presumably Bakugou, why would he be feeling unwell?

"Is he sick? I can go check on him if you are too busy to take care of him,"

"Hell no, I can't see him!" I heard Bakugou's voice much closer now, probably snatching Kirishima's phone.

"Get away- I am having a conversation- you should have just told me then!"

Why doesn't he want to see me...

I wouldn't be lying if I said I didn't feel a sinking feeling go from my chest to the pit of my stomach, "Is everything alright?"

"Ah- yeah sorry about that, Bakugou went crazy for a second," he said, sighing, it was quieter, so he must have locked himself in another room or something, "He's feeling shy I guess, have you seen the latest news on you?"

"No," I said, ah shit, I must have slipped up again, "I'll check it out now."

He hung up and I looked on my phone for the news- Bakugou had gone home yesterday and I let him borrow some of my clothes while I would wash his, but otherwise not much has happened.

"Shouto buys boyfriend toothbrush and large underwear- insight into who this could possibly be?!"

"I should stop talking to random people..."

"Shouto was seen buying underwear and a toothbrush at a grocery store- when asked, he said it was for his boyfriend! Could it be he is now dating a fellow hero from UA!"

"I wish," I said, annoyed at the article, it almost felt like it was making fun of me for wanting to have a moment for myself and messing up right afterward.

"Some who we speculate who can have this size include the following: Iida, Bakugou, and Shoji- others may have this size but we have narrowed it down!" (A/N: I am going to just put this bc not all their hero names are known.)

They narrowed it down alright.

I quickly texted Bakugou I was sorry about what happened, but even after waiting a few hours, I got no response- I figured it was a lost cause.


For the past week, Bakugou suddenly has stopped talking to me, we didn't talk that often anyway, but we were just starting to acknowledge each other- it is a shame.

I was doing some usual patrols, and out of pure chance, perhaps not necessarily luck or anything of the sort, I saw a familiar hero costume, it fit his frame and his hair was as fluffy as ever.

Quickly, I jogged up to him, tapping his shoulder, "Bakugou-"

I didn't really plan what to say afterward, so when he turned around, shocked, his face slowly deepening in color, we stood silently.

"Ah- sorry about the news- I was just playing around-"

"Fuck-" he said, his face now scarlet, "Just don't pull that shit anymore- I got to go-"

As soon as he finished, he began walking quickly away from me, instinctively I followed, but I was too confused to really understand what was actually going on, "Wait- hold on- I want to talk-"

He doesn't seem too happy about that...

"It's okay- stop fucking following me-"

"But why are you running away?"

"I'm not fucking running-!"

"Excuse me, sir," suddenly we were cut off by a policeman, facing us.

"Is there a criminal?" Bakugou huffed, he must have been holding his breath or worked up about something.

"Presumably," the officer said, taking out cuffs, "You are under arrest."

"What did I fucking do-!"

Suddenly the cold metal was placed around my wrists- they were more high tech- probably quirk canceling.

"You didn't do anything," he said, Bakugou and I standing shocked in front of the man, "Shouto, you are under arrest for robbery, assault, and sexual harassment, you have the right to remain silent."

(Fly by editing on 4/18/2020.)

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