Chapter 11: Surprise Visit

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~Chapter 11: Surprise Visit ~

>Todoroki's PoV<

[From: Bakugou: You busy?]

I couldn't help but stare at the message from one of my more recent contacts- I never thought he would text me at all, and what did he mean by busy? Was I busy at the moment or in general? Either way, the answer seemed to be no.

[From: Todoroki: I'm not. Is there something wrong?]

I decided to sit on a nearby bench near the bar I just left, waiting for a response, thinking of what that response could be.

[From: Bakugou: The fuck? Does there have to be something wrong to text you?]

Ah, he got upset.

[From: Todoroki: No, it's good that you texted me, I am surprised is all.]

I looked around, the wind was crisp, but it was nice, no one paid me much mind, maybe having a large scar on your face covered by red hair had become common.

[From: Bakugou: Tch. Where the fuck you at?]

[From: Todoroki: At a bar.]

[From: Bakugou: The fuck you doing there?]

Fast response...

[From: Bakugou: I'm on my way, what is it called?]

I turned around, looking for the sign of the bar, finding the fluorescent lights modestly standing on the wall, they didn't flash my eyes, it was more subtle.

'Wingman: Gay Bar'- ah no, he can't come here.

I gulped, recalling the strange man who approached me.

[From: Todoroki: Don't come.]

[From: Bakugou: Hah? The fuck you mean, I am already at the station, just tell me.]

Why does he want to see me?

[From: Todoroki: Come to my house. (address)]

[From: Bakugou: Fine. I'm on my way.]


Having no clue where Bakugou lived and how close he was to me, I sprinted back home, not trying to break too much of a sweat since he may think strangely of me for rushing back.

I probably got there in 10 minutes, traffic lights weren't in my favor and didn't let me cross, so I took longer than if it was just a straight run.

"You fucker, what took you so long," I heard as I approached the steps into the building, "You could have at least told me your code so I wouldn't wait outside."

Upon arriving, I saw Bakugou sitting on the stairs, wearing casual clothes, a jean jacket, a white shirt, and ripped jeans.

It suited him.

"The fuck you staring at," he said, glaring, yet his expression wasn't as harsh as it tended to be, more so he just looked slightly ticked off, "Hurry up."

I quickly went up the few stairs, letting Bakugou see the passcode as I typed it in, gesturing for him to enter before me, which he accepted without a word.

He followed me silently to the elevator, hands shoved in his pocket, eyebrows furrowed as he looked down- it was tempting to tell him to stop, that he'd start getting wrinkles if he continued, but I didn't know where we were friendship wise.

"I wanted to go get us some drinks but I don't know what you prefer- they wouldn't fucking let me either way, kept telling me to go home and shit."

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