Will You Be Mine..!?

ابدأ من البداية

"I was crying...momma weep out her tears. She weep out my tears. Now stop crying my princess it's your day. May Allah bless you with all happiness and with a good future with your prince".

OH yeah.. Prince. He is coming to home today. Thats why I'm here to inform you that.. Your engagement will be tonight. I didn't response to my momma words. I still deeply in my thoughts. Fariha she shaked me.. Are you there..?? What are you thinking..?? Yeah.." I'm listening to you". Now smile princess your prince is coming.

"I gave a little smile". Now lets have a breakfast we all are waiting for you at downstairs.

Yeah I will be there in few minutes momma. "make sure come soon". OK momma.

I was heading to down stairs.. Suddenly Nida bumped into me.
Sorry api.. I was heading to your room. She said rubbing her eyes.

"Why my little charm do you want anything from me".??

Yeah.. "I want you" api

Hey stop crying my charm.. Now hug me tightly.

Api...please don't leave me alone. I miss you much.... To whom I love and with whom I fight for chocolates api.

"my sweet charm I'm not leaving you alone, let me tell you a secret.. First you have to smile.

OK api.. See I weep out my tears. I'm smiling now. Tell me

Do you know why I'm marrying to Amaan..??

Offcourse you love him want to spend rest of your life with him.

No no my charm, I love him but there is one another reason that is.. I'm marrying him with a purpose because his house is beside to my house. So you will daily visit to see your api, and I too visit my house. We will play a lot Like we used to play.

Yeah your right api.. I didn't thought of this. Your too smart Love you api.

Love you tooo...three... And Four..

Now let's have breakfast.. Yeah... Let's go..

"Thanks Allah I convinced her". She will be so sad if I didn't told her.

Where dad is ordering to servants make sure that everything thing should be look perfect.. He was looking so happy.

Good morning dad..!! I hugged him back. He smiled good morning princess. Lets go have a breakfast .

Fardan is waiting for me.. Which make to stood in shock.

Fardan are you waiting for me..?? To have breakfast with me..??
His waiting wait me little bit awakard "I'm in a shock because he never wait for me to grab his breakfast

Yes api.. He stood up and hugged me. He eyes got wet. I will miss you so much api. Me-too more than you my naughty. Everyone was quite staring at us. I don't want make them upset anymore.

I'm so hungry now.. Let's have a tasty breakfast.

***engagement ceremony ***

Hey fariha you haven't got ready yet.. Ujma Huda Hana screamed behind from me.

Oh hoo my cuties.. At once they all hugged me tightly. Now you leave me idiots you make breathless. From 2 min.

Oh no fariha...dont freak out. We are hugging our Amaan's fiance. Not you idiot.

We all brust into laughter.. We gonna miss you a lot fariha... They all sad In upset tone.

I will be with you whenever you need me now give me a tight hug. I said in a sweet manner...

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