The Confession - Chapter 10

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The more Ferrin thought about how hard Hatty was trying to take care of her, the more she wondered why he cared about her so much. Like, all she did was fall and hit her head on the deck of the S.S Friendship! She didn't even feel as bad as she did when she woke up. After Hatty cleaned the claw marks on her face, and brought her food to eat, and massaged her back even, Ferrin decided to just ask Hatty what was going on. "Hatty?" She asked. "Yes, Ferrin?" Hatty replied. "Why are you being so... caring and compassionate towards me? Like, I don't even feel that bad!" Ferrin asked Hatty. He thought about what Ferrin had said, and realized that Ferrin was right. It was at that moment that Hatty had realized that he really was concerned for Ferrin. But he just couldn't figure out why. Was he really that close to her? "Well, I mean, she IS my best friend, after all!" He thought. Hatty decided to just tell Ferrin the truth. "I just... I don't know why? Maybe I just... Well, you ARE my best friend, after all!" Hatty confessed. Ferrin blushed a little, then she nodded her head. "Well, I guess that makes sense!" Ferrin said. Hatty shrugged. He sat down in a chair at his desk and started to think. "Why do I care about Ferrin so much? This doesn't feel like a normal friendship, or a close friendship! Ugh, what is this feeling?!?!" Hatty wondered to himself. Then, all of a sudden, Hatty got an idea. "I'll go ask Reginald! He always has the right answer!" Hatty thought. He got up from his chair and walked over to Ferrin. "Ferrin, I'll be right back! I'm gonna go.. talk to Reginald about something! Will you be okay here by yourself?" Hatty asked. "Yes, I'll be fine!" Ferrin admitted. Hatty smiled at her. "Goodbye, for now!" Hatty said. He walked out the doors of his cabin and went off to find Reginald. When he did, he asked him the question. "Reginald, I've been having these... strange feelings for Ferrin lately and I just don't know what they are!" Hatty confessed. Reginald put his fingers to his chin. "What kind of feelings are you having for Ferrin?" Reginald asked Hatty. "I... I just really care about her and I feel so worried about her after she got attacked by that cat! I just... I just feel like our relationship is MORE than a close friendship or a normal friendship!" Hatty confessed to Reginald. After some thinking, Reginald grinned and started laughing. Hatty felt confused by his reaction and asked, "What? What is it?" Reginald walked up next to Hatty and wrapped his arm around his body, pulling him closer to him. "Hatty! Isn't it obvious? You're in love with Ferrin!" Those words hit Hatty like a truck. Suddenly, everything made sense to Hatty. He realized why he cared about Ferrin so much. He noticed everything that he loved about Ferrin. Hatty smiled widely. Now he knew why he wanted to take Ferrin someplace special, where it could be just the two of them. He wanted to take her out on a date! He knew why he bought her flowers, he knew why he wanted to take care of Ferrin, and he knew why he liked her as a person and why he felt so happy to see her all the time! Hatty was in love with Ferrin! He looked at Reginald, and grinned. "You're right Reginald! I DO have a crush on Ferrin!" Hatty confessed. Reginald grinned at his son. "I knew it!" He admitted. "So, Hatty, what are you going to do with Ferrin?" Reginald asked. "I... Is it too soon for me to admit my feelings to her?" Hatty asked Reginald. "Well, it depends on if you're ready to do it or not!" Reginald admitted. Hatty thought some more. "Wait! What if Ferrin's not ready for us to take our relationship to the next level yet?" Hatty asked. "Well, you'll just have to see for yourself!" Reginald told Hatty. Hatty nodded in understandment. "You know what? I'm think I'm going to go tell her how I feel about her!" Hatty confessed. "Then go and do it, son!" Reginald encouraged. Before Hatty ran off to go find Ferrin, he hugged Reginald. "Thank you so much Reginald! I owe you one!" He said. Reginald smiled, and hugged Hatty back. After letting eachother go, Hatty and Reginald bid their goodbyes and Hatty raced off back to his cabin, where Ferrin was. Before he entered, he went over what he was going to say in his head. With butterflies in his stomach, he opened the door and entered inside. "Hi Hatty!" Ferrin greeted. "Hi Ferrin!" Hatty greeted back, happy to see her again. Hatty walked over to Ferrin. "So, did you and Reginald have a good talk?" Ferrin asked. Hatty blushed a little. "Oh, yes! Yes, we did!" Hatty admitted. After a few moments of awkward silence and Hatty contemplating whether or not he should tell Ferrin his true feelings for her, Hatty decided to just quit stalling and tell Ferrin how he feels about her. Hatty clears his throat in preparation. He looks at Ferrin directly into her eyes and says, "Ferrin, there's something that I need to tell you." "What is it?" Ferrin asked curiously. "I... I've fallen in love with you!" Hatty finally confessed to Ferrin. When she heard Hatty say those words, they made her realize that she, too, had feelings for her best friend. Ferrin smiled widely, her heart leaped with joy as she realized why she had strange feelings for Hatty after all this time. She realized why she cared about him so much, she realized why she enjoyed his company so much, she realized everything she loved about him! She looked directly at Hatty, feeling ready to confess her feelings back to him. "I... I love you too, Hatty!" She expressed with joy. Upon hearing those words, Hatty was more than overjoyed to hear that Ferrin returned his feelings for him. "R-really? You... y-you... you... You actually have feelings for me?" He asked her. "Y-yes! Yes, Hatty! OF COURSE I have feelings for you! I love you!" Ferrin reaffirmed Hatty. He breathed a huge sigh of relief, still feeling more than overjoyed that Ferrin returned his feelings for her. The both of them couldn't think of what to do or say next, they were both so relieved that the other loved them back. As Hatty stared into Ferrin's beautiful, blue eyes, he couldn't help but slowly lean in, not realizing what he was doing. Ferrin did the same thing, unaware of what she was doing either. It wasn't long before Ferrin's and Hatty's lips met, locking into a loving, passionate kiss. That was the death of their friendship, and the birth of their romantic relationship. Hatty wrapped his arms around Ferrin's body, gently pulling her closer to him, like she was a glass statue, deepening their kiss. Ferrin sighed, and wrapped her arms around Hatty's body as well. She discovered that he didn't have that bad of a body, he was a little built for a man. They continued to be like this for a few more moments, before pulling away for breath. They stared into eachother's eyes for a few seconds. It was at this moment that Hatty knew that Ferrin was the one for him, and she knew the same thing. They decided, then and there, that Hatty would tell the crew of the news. When they heard, everyone was overjoyed to hear that Hatty Hattington, best friend to one and all, and King Friend of Friendship Kingdom, had finally found someone to love for the rest of his life. As the Sun set over the ocean that day, Hatty promised Ferrin that he would always be there for her and to protect her as well. Ferrin promised the same to Hatty. They kissed for the second time, and that kiss, was the one that sealed their vows.

~The End~

Author's Note: PHEW!!! Finally!!!!!!!!! This story is finished once and for all!!! I hope you all enjoyed reading it, and I cannot wait to write the next fanfiction!!!! As always, I'll see you all in another story! Bye!!! ^^ ~ILM55

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