Swimming Lessons - Chapter 2

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Ferrin stood next to Hatty. Today was the day she would learn how to swim. "Goodbye everyone! I'll be back soon!" Hatty said. Everyone waved goodbye to him and Ferrin. "Good luck Ferrin!" One of them said. "Thank you!" Ferrin replied. Hatty and Ferrin waved goodbye one last time and walked down the board to the land. They walked to a beach. Hatty and Ferrin looked at the blue waves, admiring the beautiful ocean scenery. Hatty smiled. "Ready for your swimming lessons?" He asked. "Yes!" Ferrin said, feeling excited and a little bit nervous. Hatty took off his jacket, revealing his white undershirt. Ferrin looked at him. She blushed a little. "Hatty looks cute without his jacket on!" She thought. She had never seen Hatty without his jacket on. He neatly folded it. He took off his cravat and put it with his jacket and wrapped them up in a blanket, setting it down on the sand. Ferrin blushed a bit more. Hatty noticed this. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Y-Yes!" Ferrin said, smiling reassuringly. "Okay!" Hatty said. He walked up to the ocean's shore, beckoning Ferrin to follow him. She excitedly walked up to him. Hatty smiled. He took off his shoes. Ferrin took off her shoes as well. "Ok, stay right here and watch me!" He said. He walked to the shallow water, and started to swim. "See? It's easy!" He said. Ferrin observed. "You're right!" She said. Hatty smiled. He swam up to the shore. "Now, it's your turn!" Hatty said. Ferrin got nervous. "Don't worry, I'll be right here with you!" Hatty said. Ferrin smiled a little, feeling better. Hatty walked her down into the water. Ferrin looked at Hatty, then back at the ocean. She carefully walked into the water, and did the swimming technique Hatty showed her. It worked! Ferrin got excited, so did Hatty. He smiled brightly, as he saw Ferrin swim around. "Ferrin! That's it you're doing it! Oh I'm so proud of you!" Hatty said. Ferrin smiled, she was glad that she made Hatty, her best friend, proud. She swam around some more. Hatty watched, he felt so proud that Ferrin learned how to swim. As he watched, he noticed how graceful of a swimmer Ferrin was. She stopped and looked at him. "Hatty, don't you wanna swim?" She asked. Hatty realized what Ferrin said and smiled. "Ok!" Hatty walked in the water and started to do backstrokes. Ferrin was impressed by this. She closely observed Hatty's moves and tried them herself. They worked! She was doing backstrokes. Ferrin was amazed and Hatty was too. "Ferrin you're doing backstrokes! That's amazing!" Hatty said. Ferrin smiled. She continued to do backstrokes and Hatty watched proudly. After a few minutes of swimming, Hatty and Ferrin started to get playful. Ferrin began to splash ocean water at Hatty. "Take that Hatty!" Ferrin teased. "Ferrin stop it!" Hatty said through giggles. Ferrin laughed and continued to splash water. Hatty, who's had enough, swam up to her and hugged her, trying to get her to stop. Ferrin stopped and hugged back, smiling. She had never been this happy this often in her life. She was so thankful for Hatty and all of her new friends. "Hatty..." She said. "Yes?" Hatty asked. "I've never been this happy this often in my life. I'm so thankful for you and all my friends. Thank you!" She confessed. Hatty blushed and smiled. "Oh, it's no problem!" Hatty replied. Ferrin smiled, and continued to hug back. Hatty hugged back as well. After a few moments, Ferrin and Hatty finally let go and got out of the ocean. Hatty handed Ferrin a towel and she dried herself up. "Thanks, Hatty!" She said. "You're welcome." Hatty replied. Hatty picked up his clothes and put them back on. He put his shoes back on as did Ferrin. "Are you ready to go back?" Hatty asked. "Yes!" Ferrin said. She was excited to see her friends and tell them all about her swimming lessons. Hatty walked Ferrin back to the S.S Friendship and she excitedly told all her friends about the swimming lessons and anything else that happened.

Later That Night

Ferrin walked back to her cabin, exhausted from all the events that happened that day. She opened her door and plopped down onto her bed. She let out an exhausted sigh. She stared up at the ceiling above her. She remembered her swimming lessons from earlier. She turned over to her side, looking at her room. Her room consisted of a bed, a dresser with a photo of her and her best friends. Bonnie and Bolt. Along with some stuff from her house back home. From the ceiling hung some ship lantern lights. There was a round window, where she could look out and see the beautiful ocean with it's calm waves. There was a smaller dresser next to her bed, on it was a lantern, her sketchbook, and her phone. In the drawers were some colored pencils in bags, and a sharpener. All of a sudden, her phone buzzed. Ferrin grabbed her phone and looked at it. There was a text message. It was from Bonnie. "Hey, are you ok? We just came home and read your note. There weren't any messages on the phone from you." Ferrin realized that she had forgot that her friends were coming home today! "Oh shoot! I forgot they were coming home today!" She thought. She texted back, "Oh sorry! I forgot you guys were coming home today! I'm ok, I helped Hatty find his friends and I'm gonna be staying with him for a while in London." She sent it. Less than a minute later, she got a text back from Bonnie saying, "Well that's great! And you're in London? That's awesome Ferrin! Can we come visit you? Bolt really misses you." Ferrin texted back, "Yes! I'd love for you guys to meet Hatty! He's really kind!" She sent it. She got a text back instantly from Bonnie saying, "Ok! Wait, where are you in London?" Ferrin texted back, "I'm sailing on the S.S Friendship in the Atlantic Ocean." Bonnie texted her back saying, "Ok! We'll see you in two days or less! Bye!" Ferrin texted back saying, "Bye." She turned off her phone and laid down. She then realized she'd have to tell Hatty! She got up from her bed and made her way towards the Captain's Cabin. She knocked on the door. "Yes?" Hatty said. "Hatty? I have something important to tell you!" Ferrin said. "Ok, come in!" Hatty said. Ferrin walked in. Hatty's cabin was kinda different from the others. It had lamps, a nice bed, some dressers, a big window, and a big table with some ocean maps on it. That's what made his cabin different from the others. "What is it you need to tell me Ferrin?" "Well, you know my friends, Bonnie and Bolt?" "Yes?" Hatty replied. "Guess what? They're coming over tomorrow to meet you! They just came home today!" Ferrin said. Hatty smiled. "Well, that's great to hear!" He replied. Ferrin smiled. "I know right? Trust me, they're really nice! I'm sure you'll like them!" Ferrin said. Hatty smiled again and nodded. "Ok! I'm always up for making new friends!" Ferrin smiled at Hatty's quote. She looked at him again. "Oh and Hatty!" She said. "Yes?" He asked. "Thanks for the swimming lessons." Ferrin said. Hatty smiled. "No problem." He replied. They hugged eachother one last time. "Goodnight Hatty." Ferrin said. "Goodnight Ferrin! Sweet dreams." Hatty said, smiling. Ferrin blushed and smiled back. She turned around and walked to the door, closing it. She walked back to her cabin and fell asleep. 

Author's Note: Phew! I'm glad this chapter is done! I'm sorry it took a month to finish this! I'll try and be more active with this story! Summer break is in 3 weeks so I'm sure I can work on this! Anyways, thanks for reading! 😊 -ILoveMinecraft55~

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