Stargazing - Chapter 6

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It was nighttime, and Ferrin was alone. She had just finished dancing with all the other crew members and they had just gone to their cabins to sleep. Ferrin was going to go to bed soon, but as she turned around, she couldn't help but notice the glistening waves of the ocean that were illuminated by the moonlight. She thought this was pretty. "Eh, I'll look at the ocean waves and the stars and then I'll go to bed." She thought. Ferrin walked over to the railing and stared at the ocean waves. She saw a golden whale in the waters, it smiled at her, before going back into the ocean. She smiled. Ferrin then looked up at the stars, and admired them. She didn't know much about constellations, but that didn't stop her from looking at the stars. She then heard footsteps approaching her. She turned around and saw that it was Hatty! "Hello Ferrin!" He greeted her. "Hi Hatty!" Ferrin greeted back. Hatty walked up closer to the railing and briefly looked at the glistening ocean waves. They were calm and steady. "So, you're the only one that's still awake huh?" He asked her. Ferrin giggled. "I guess so!" She said. Hatty smiled at her. He took a glance at the ocean and then the stars, and looked back at Ferrin. "Have you noticed the ocean waves tonight? They're really pretty!" Hatty said. "Yes! I was just looking at them!" Ferrin said, smiling. She walked up closer to Hatty and looked at the ocean waves with him. Then they both looked at the stars. "The stars look so pretty tonight, don't you think?" Hatty asked Ferrin. "Yes, they are!" Ferrin replied. They both continued to look at the stars together, silently. Until Ferrin finally broke the silence. "I don't know much about constellations. Do you?" She asked Hatty. He looked at her and said, "Yes! Would you like me to teach you where they are?" "Yes, please!" Ferrin replied. "Ok!" Hatty pointed to a place in the sky. "See that? That's the Big Dipper!" Ferrin saw it and smiled. "Wow!" She said. "And that, that's the Little Dipper!" Hatty continued. Ferrin saw it and looked at it, amazed. "See that? That's the North Star!" Hatty said. Ferrin looked at it in amazement. "Then you have the Ryan's Belt! And there's also the others, like Orion, Aries and Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces!" Ferrin was impressed at all the constellations that Hatty knew about. "Wow, Hatty! You sure do know a lot about stars!" Ferrin said. Hatty smiled. "Hehe! Thanks!" "No problem!" Ferrin responded. After a few minutes of looking at the stars and ocean waves together, Ferrin yawned. Hatty noticed this. "Are you tired?" He asked her. "Yeah.." Ferrin replied. "It's about time I went to bed." Ferrin continued. Hatty turned and looked at her. "I had fun looking at the stars and the ocean with you!" He said. Ferrin smiled. "Me too!" She said. "Well, goodnight Ferrin! Sweet dreams!" Hatty said to her. "Goodnight Hatty! I hope you have sweet dreams as well!" Ferrin replied. Hatty laughed. Ferrin thought this was adorable. "Well, I'll make sure I have them!" Hatty replied. Ferrin smiled. She and Hatty waved goodbye to eachother as Ferrin walked away to her cabin. They both slept well that night.

A/N: Yay! Another chapter! I know this one was kinda short, I hope you all will still enjoy it! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter! Anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter! Goodbye! ~ILoveMinecraft55

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