The Mysterious Island - Chapter 1

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Ferrin woke up. Today was the day that she would go on her first adventure with Hatty. She couldn't wait! She got up and got dressed. She walked out of her cabin and out onto the deck. "Hi Ferrin!" Everyone greeted. "Hi everyone!" Ferrin greeted back. Everyone hugged her, and she hugged back. Ferrin felt so thankful for all her new friends and that they cared about her. They all let her go. Hatty then walked over. "Hi Ferrin!" He said. "Hi Hatty!" Ferrin said. She hugged Hatty, he smiled and hugged back. "Look at you! You're all dressed up and ready for adventure!" Hatty said. Ferrin smiled. Hatty turned and looked at everyone. "Well, who's ready for adventure?" He asked. Everyone, including Ferrin, cheered in response. Hatty smiled and walked to the wheel, and began to steer. Everyone began to dance and sing. Ferrin smiled, but then she looked at Hatty. She didn't feel like dancing, but she didn't want to look boring. So she danced. She actually had fun! After a few minutes of dancing, she got tired and stopped. She looked to the horizon, admiring the beautiful scenery of the ocean. Meanwhile, while Hatty was driving the ship earlier, he looked at Ferrin. He saw her dancing. "Wow, Ferrin's a good dancer!" He thought. He walked down to Ferrin and stood next to her. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" He asked. "Yes!" Ferrin said. She looked at Hatty. He looked at her. "So Ferrin, what do you think our next adventure will be?" Hatty asked. "I don't know. But what matters is that we'll all have eachother." Ferrin said. Hatty smiled. He felt happy that Ferrin cared about everyone. It was also what he loved about her. Their moment was then interrupted by Mom yelling, "Guys! I see an island!" Hatty and Ferrin turned around and looked at Mom. Hatty ran down the steps over to Mom. "Where?" He asked excitedly. Mom pointed over to where the island was. It wasn't too far away. "Good eyes Mom!" Hatty said. Mom smiled. Ferrin looked over to where the island was. She got really excited. "Yay adventure!" She cheered. Hatty looked at Ferrin and smiled. "That's the spirit!" He said. That was another thing he liked about her. She had the spirit of adventure. Not long after, they reached the island. "Lower anchor!" Hatty commanded. Reginald lowered it.  A plank was lowered into the island and everyone crossed it, including Ferrin, who ran excitedly down it. She nearly fell off it! But luckily Hatty was there to catch her. He quickly pulled her back up onto the plank, she grabbed onto Hatty's chest, holding onto him for dear life. "Ferrin are you ok?!" Hatty asked, extremely worried. "I-I'm fine!" Ferrin said, still clutching his chest. Her eyes were shut tight because she was so scared. Hatty held her close, and backed away from the edge. He looked at Ferrin, and gently lifted her head up to look at him. Her eyes met his eyes. They both looked at eachother, a faint blush on their cheeks. Everyone in the crowd oohed. Hatty broke the silence by saying, "Ferrin, you should be more careful! You could've hurt yourself!" Ferrin realized Hatty was right. She couldn't swim, and the ocean was underneath her when she fell. "H-Hatty! You're right!..... Thanks for saving my life." Hatty smiled. "You're welcome!" He said. Ferrin looked at Hatty and said, "I can't swim..." Hatty looked at her with a surprised look on his face. "You can't swim?" He then realized that if he hadn't saved Ferrin, she could've died! "Well good thing I was here to save you!" He said. Ferrin nodded. She let go of Hatty's chest. Hatty looked at her again. "Don't worry, I'll teach you how to swim ok?" "Ok!" Ferrin said. Hatty smiled and let go of her, and walked her down the rest of the board. Mom then walked up to Hatty, with a mischievous grin on her face. "Why are you giving me that look?" Hatty chuckled. "You like Ferrin~" Mom said. Hatty blushed and looked at Mom with a surprised look on his face. "What?! No I don't!" He said. "Yees you dooo~" Mom teased. Hatty frowned. "Listen, she's just my friend, ok?" He reassured. "Ok~" Mom said, and walked away. Hatty looked at Ferrin, thankfully she didn't hear anything. Hatty breathed a little sigh of relief, and wiped some sweat off his forehead. He walked up to Ferrin. "Ferrin do you see anything?" He asked. Ferrin looked around some more. She saw what looked like an old Indian tent in the distance. "Look! An old Indian tent!" Ferrin said, pointing to it. Hatty looked at it. He smiled. "Wow, cool! Good job, Ferrin!" He said, giving her a pat on her back. Ferrin blushed and smiled. Hatty got everyone's attention and pointed to the faraway tent. "Guys! Look what Ferrin found!" He said. Everyone cheered and congratulated Ferrin. She smiled brightly. "Well let's go!" Hatty said. He led everyone to the tent. There were more Indian tents! It was an old Indian campsite from many years ago. "Wow, this is amazing!" Hatty said. Everyone looked around and made some nice comments on the tents while Ferrin wandered off to explore. She saw some bows and arrows and old baskets. She then looked into the forest, admiring it. She wanted to go explore it but she didn't want to get lost from the group. Then she got an idea! "I'll just go ask Hatty! Maybe he'll let me go! Or he'll come with me!" Ferrin said. She secretly hoped Hatty would come with her, because she wanted someone to share this experience with her. But as she turned around to run back to the group, someone grabbed her from behind and tied her hands behind her back. Ferrin started screaming for help but a hand covered her mouth. She tried her best to struggle but she couldn't.

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