Chapter 49- An Almost Proposal

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    After a few weeks at home, things settled into a sort of routine. Colin was still on medical leave for another four weeks, but Georgia was needed back at headquarters. He offered to keep Henry at his place while she worked; an offer she balked at in the beginning thinking it would be too much for him. Thankfully he won in the end, and Henry started spending the days at his house while his mother was at work.

The more time he spent with Henry, the more the little boy took a permanent place in his heart. Colin took him to his therapy appointments and was pleased to see the progress he made. Though Henry quickly bounced back after his abduction which was only able to be attributed to the grace of God, he struggled with the loss of his father. He soon learned Georgia wasn't kidding...they had been best buddies. He didn't want to take his father's place, but he tried his best to make new memories with Henry; more than anything he wanted Georgia's son to love him.

One evening, there was a knock on the front door. "I bet that's your mom," Colin said to Henry who was wearing a Superman cape.

"I'll get the door!" He ran to the door arms outstretched as if he were flying.

When he opened the door, Georgia stepped in. Bending down, she wrapped Henry in a bear hug. "I've missed you today! How have you been?"

Wriggling free of her grasp, Henry ran to Colin and grabbed his hand. "We've been playing Superman! Colin took me to McDonald's for lunch, and I got a cheeseburger!"

"Sounds like you've had quite a day."

Colin smiled as he looked down into Henry's beaming face. Six months ago he would have never guessed his life would turn out like this, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.

"Colin, make sure you let me know what I owe you for the McDonald's," Georgia smiled at him.

"It was on the house. You don't owe me a thing." Walking across the room he gave her a quick hug.

"Well, at least come over for dinner tomorrow. I have the day off, so I'll have time to cook something better than cereal." Her hopeful expression made his heart rise into his throat.

"Maybe we can even have macaroni and cheese!" Henry piped up.

"I promise I will do better than macaroni and cheese for you too." Her smile melted all his resolve and it took all of his willpower not to take her in his arms and kiss her; instead, he satisfied himself with clearing his throat.

"I would be happy with a TV dinner if I could eat it with you and Henry." She blushed, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Well, champ, are you ready to go home?" Georgia took hold of Henry's hand.

"Will I get to come to Colin's house tomorrow?" Henry's hopeful voice made him grin.

"No, but Colin will be coming to our house."

"Cool! Then I can show him my room!" The little boy jumped up and down with glee, cape bobbing behind him.


Promptly at six, the doorbell rang sending Henry into a frenzy of delight. "Colin's here! Colin's here!" He chanted as he rushed to answer the door. Busy taking a lasagna out of the oven, Georgia let her son do the honors of a gracious host. "Come see my room!" His eager voice brought a smile to her lips as she finished setting the table.

A few moments later, Colin walked into the kitchen with Henry on his shoulders. "It smells great in here! How did you know lasagna is my favorite?"

"Just a lucky guess...or maybe your mom told me... you'll never know." She shot him a devilish smile. "Henry, it's time to get down and eat."

Quickly he complied. "I'm so hungry, mom! I could eat a whole blue whale!"

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