Chapter 9- Terms and Conditions

Start from the beginning

“We have to look real and a real couple would go together, I’m sure you know why.” He smirked.

Oh you mean the countless hook ups and grinding on each other? Please I’m not stupid. I have been to lots of parties with Tins.

“You know, I get the feeling you’re getting more out of this than I am.” I stated.

“Hey it was your idea.” He defended.

“Don’t remind me.” I mumbled.

Austin smiled at getting what he wanted. Well at least it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I figured his terms would be worse than that. Oh well I won’t complain, I’ll just consider myself lucky and leave it at that.

 I finished the rest of my drink and stood up to go before Austin stopped me.

“Hold on, one more thing.”

“I knew it.” I sighed.

“We have to appear dating at school so a few people will leave me alone.” He said.

“You mean the ones that want a relationship?” I said raising an eyebrow.

“You get it.” He shrugged.

“Fine but as long we are on this page I have something to add.”

“Go ahead.” He said.

“When we are on our own time we do what we want. Date who we want, Kiss who we want and whatever else you do.” I said last part to him.


“Just as I stuck out my hand to shake on it he quickly added. “But I’m still not giving up.”

I laughed. “That’s up to you; it’s very entertaining to watch.”

After we finished up at Starbucks Austin drove me home. Luckily my parents weren’t there or I would have had to put on the show. When I got in the house I noticed a note on the table and went to read it.


We went out to meet with some people from work. We will be back later tonight. There is some food in the fridge for you if you get hungry.

                                                                                                                                          Love, Linda and Dad

Well that’s a relief now I can have some alone time to myself. I went up to my room and put my stuff away from school and decided on a shower. Once I was done I was feeling a little hungry so I went to the kitchen to see what there was. I noticed a plate on the top shelf covered up with plastic wrap and took it out to heat up. I put it in the microwave for 4 minutes and then went to get my laptop so I could check my Facebook for anything new. When I logged on I noticed I had four notifications, one message and a friend request. Yeah my life was that exciting. (Note the sarcasm)

I click on the friend request first and seen it was from Jace. I squealed in excitement. Come on he is so hot would you be? I accepted and went to his timeline to write a message:

So now you’re stalking me on FB too! lol JK

I laughed and posted the message to his wall.  Soon after my food was done so I went to get it out of the microwave getting it out and sat back down at the computer.

Next I clicked on my notifications but there was nothing important just some game request mainly. I really hate those so I just went on to my messages.

From Tinsley:

‘Hey how was your date with the player? ;) Call when you get this, I didn’t want to interrupt.’

I rolled my eyes at her message. She knows very well it wasn’t a date but she still insists on calling it that anyway.

‘It wasn’t a date but I’m back now. I’ll call you in a minute.’ I typed and hit reply.

After I was done online I shut down my computer and finished eating then put my plate in the sink. I went and sat down on the couch and called Tinsley before she had a chance to call me and ask why I hadn’t called her yet.

“So “ She drug out. “How did it go?”

“Tins it wasn’t a date for the hundredth time.” I said again. “And it was fine. We just talked about terms and agreements.”

“Either way you like him.” She sated.

“I do not.” I replied.

“Whatever but you have to admit he’s hot.”

“Ok fine he’s a little hot.”

“A little?” She laughed.

“Ok fine a lot but I’m not going to let him play all because he’s hot.” I said.

Before Tins could reply back to me there was a knock at the door. I wondered who it could be. I wasn’t expecting anyone.

“Uh… Tins are you ate my door?” I questioned.

“No, Why?”

“Because I have a visitor, hold on.”

I got up off the couch and went to answer the door. As soon as I pulled it open I groaned. What the hell was Austin doing here? Didn’t we just talk a couple of hours ago?

I sighed in annoyance into the phone. “Tins I’m gonna have to call you back. My stalker is here.”

“Ok bye.” She laughed. I figured she got what I meant.

I put my phone away and placed my hand on the door not letting him pass.

“Twice in one day? I think we’re getting pretty serious don’t you?” I hinted.

“Funny.” He said with no humor. “Your dad said that it may be late when they get back and asked me to keep you company.”

“My dad actually said that?” I asked not sure if he was telling the truth.

“How else would I know?” He said. “Oh and I brought movies.”

Austin pushed past me and put in one of the movies he brought before sitting on the couch. I walked over to him and scoffed.

“Where am I suppose to sit you’ve taken up the whole couch?”

“Right here baby.” He motioned to his lap.

“Yeah right.” I picked up his feet and dropped them in the floor. “I’ll sit right here thanks.” I smiled and sat down.

As the movie played on I realized what he was doing.

“You picked a scary movie so I would get scared and cuddle up to you didn’t you?” I asked board.

“You know me so well.” He smirked.

I couldn’t help but feel this was going to be a long night. First at school now home, am I ever going to get away from this hot guy? I mean guy. Damn Tinsley!

I sighed and leaned back resting my body against the couch only for Austin to wrap his arm around the back just behind my head. And here we go, the first play of the night.



How did you find the chapter? Did you enjoy it? How do you like movie night will turn out?




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