Chapter twenty - Falling for you

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Warnings: None.

Avery's P.O.V

I'm currently laying on the pile of soft warm blankets I made on the floor with my pillow behind my head as I stare at the fairy lights glow through the sheets I used to make a fort. The warm glow from the lights against the sheets make me feel relaxed and cosy, I close my eyes for a few moments and let out a relaxed sigh as I run my hand over the blanket feeling the fabric against the palm of my hand.

As I lay in my fort I'm also waiting for Tom to come over, I'm home alone as James has taken Ellie to his family's lake house for the weekend although even if it's just for one weekend she packed like she was leaving for months, apparently there is some fancy dinner that the whole town goes to so she asked if she could borrow some of my things – she borrowed a pair of heels, my ring and some earrings which I was completely fine with. I asked Tom if he'd like to come over and spend the night since it's Friday night and he said he'd love to, the good thing is that I don't have to get up from my cosy fort when he arrives because he know has a key to my place and I also have a key to his.

I hear the front door being unlocked, then the sound of it opening then closing once again. "Hey baby, it's me" I hear Tom yell out, I then hear his footsteps coming closer and closer to the fort I made in the lounge room as I picture him walking as my eyes are still closed, suddenly his footsteps stop and I hear him let out a quiet, little laugh to himself. I then open my eyes and sit up a little bit as I rest on my elbows "hi" I say smiling as I see his tall figure from the little opening from where the sheets meet, he then takes off his shoes and suite jacket and moves the sheet that is basically the door to the fort aside to hold it open.

"You're the cutest person ever" he says once we finally can fully see each other, his comment causing me to giggle. "Come inside, it's lovely" I say nodding towards the spare space next to me, Tom then crawls in and moves to the space next to me, I start to laugh "what's so funny?" he asks smiling "you look like a giant trying to come in here" I explain which causes him to laugh "move closer, so we can cuddle" Tom says I then move closer so his arm is around my shoulders and I'm resting against his chest.

We lay together in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes, "Tom" I whisper to him. "Yeah" he replies just as quiet as me "are you scared?" I ask as I nervously twiddle my fingers "about what?" he asks confused "about us" I reply "what do you mean?" he asks still confused "do you ever feel scared about how quickly we've fallen for each other?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper. "I mean it was scary when I first started to develop feelings for you, I never felt like this about anyone" he explains "are you scared now?" I ask "no – no, I'm not" he replies "are you?" he asks quietly.

"I just worry if I fell for you too quickly, if it's all too fast to what's 'normal'" I reply. "There isn't a 'normal' when it comes to relationships, everyone's is different" he explains quietly "I talked to Ellie yesterday about this" I reply "oh yeah, what did you say?" he asks quietly "how I was worried if it's going too fast but at the same time I also don't care because I love you and what really matters to me is how we both feel together" I explain rolling onto my stomach and off his chest so I can look at Tom.

"I just wanted to tell you my thoughts and see what you thought of it all" I say. "I think it's normal to worry about relationships, I mean you open up completely to someone which is a scary thing and I think we over analyse things to make sure we don't make the wrong choice" Tom explains "I'm not scared, I'm excited – excited to spend time with you and live life with you" he says with a small smile on his face. "I'm excited too" I say smiling "I love you" I say "I love you" Tom says, I lean in for a quick kiss "do you ever think about the future?" Tom asks "I do actually, quite a lot" I reply.

"I don't know if I will like this answer but when you think of the future am I there?" he asks. "Yes, I can't imagine my life without you now" I reply smiling "good, I'm glad" he says smiling "whenever I picture anything that has to do with the future, you're always the first thing to come to mind – if it's about my company I think how it would benefit the both of us whether that be work or personal life or just anything for the future such as a house or something, you're always the main priority" he explains. "Same with me, whenever I think of the future I picture you right by my side" I say smiling, Tom's hand softly caresses my cheek as we both lean in to once again kiss.

Once we pull away Tom says "Oh I forgot to ask you, my parents are having a family dinner tomorrow night and they would love to meet you and I also want you there, so would you like to come?' he asks "I'd love to" I say smiling.

Tom's P.O.V

"I'd love to" Avery says smiling, "okay I will let them know, my phone is out on the table, one moment" I say crawling out of the fort Avery made. I walk to the table and unlock my phone to text my parents to let them know Avery is coming, as I finish texting my mum I see I didn't answer to an earlier text "Ellie: Is tomorrow night happening?" I read the message in my head.

"Tom: yep, you haven't told her anything though?" I ask hoping Ellie has kept our secret just to us, "Ellie: nope, she hasn't got a clue! I will see you late tomorrow night" she responds quickly "Tom: see you then" I text back then turning my phone off and putting it back on the table where it was as I head back to Avery and crawl into the fort again.

Author's note: Pay attention to the smaller details in this chapter! they will come in handy in the next few chapters, hope you enjoy this chapter! make sure to comment, like and reblog (its much appreciated!)

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