Chapter sixteen - Office shenanigans

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Warnings: Kissing lol.

Avery's P.O.V

It's now Thursday afternoon and I've been spending most nights after work with Tom. Whether it's going to get some late dinner or having a movie night at one of our houses, it's almost now a part of my weekly routine – not that I'm complaining, currently I am sitting in my beautiful office working on the next work assignment that's due in a week or two.

Although this assignment is taking a lot of time, I feel as though I'm speeding through my notes on various details that need to be changed. As I flip through the pages to re-read what I previously wrote I hear a soft yet audible knock on my office door, "come in" I yell out, I look up as the door opens and a blonde-haired lady pops her head through – I quickly recognise that it's the company's receptionist "Miss. Johnson, Mr. Hiddleston would like to see you in his office immediately" she says "okay, thank you" I say with a smile.

She then nods and closes the door behind her as she leaves. My thoughts being to wonder about why Tom has called a sudden meeting, maybe there was a problem with my work, I then leave my office and walk the short distance to his office as it's only two rooms away. I knock on the doors that have his name written across the front of them "one minute." I hear him say in a sharp tone, the door soon opens and Tom appears from behind it.

Once he sees that it's me on the other side a small smile appears on his face, "sorry, I thought you were that annoying man that was here before" he explains with a laugh. "Come in" he says opening the door wider and letting me through, I walk towards the seat that is sitting directly in front of his desk, as I walk I hear Tom close the door and the sound of him locking it. "So, is there something wrong with my work?" I ask turning around to face him as I'm still confused as to why I'm here "no, your work is great" he says walking towards me causing us to be only a few steps away from each other.

"Oh, well that's good – why did you ask for me?" I ask with a small smile. "Well, to be completely honest, you're looking quite sexy in that little outfit of yours" he explains gesturing towards my outfit which is a black pencil skirt and white blouse "quite the tease hmm, causing me to only be able to admire you from afar" he says as he takes a few steps closer and reaches around me to push the chair away so I don't bump into it.

As he walks forward I take a few steps back until I feel the desk behind me. "Guess it sucks to be you" I say teasing him "cheeky" he says smiling, he then wraps his arms around my waist and moves me up until I'm hoisted and secured sitting on top of the desk. He places his hands next to my legs and rests them against the smooth surface of the desk as my legs wrap around his waist "well, you do look great with your ass perched on my desk whilst I am pressed up against you" he says.

"Tom!" I say smiling at his comment "what would your work rules and regulation say about this?" I say teasing him once again. "Well seeing as I am the man in charge, I think they can make an exception" he says looking down at my lips before leaning in are lips soon pressing together softly as his hands move up to my waist, as we move our lips in sync my hands trail up his chest and to the back of neck, then to his hair softly grabbing onto it as we kiss, I hear Tom let out a groan of satisfaction because of my actions.

He pulls away and leans in to kiss my jaw before whispering "you don't know what you do to me". Then softly kisses my neck "I could say the same thing" I say closing my eyes in satisfaction letting out a hum, he pulls away from my neck and I kiss his cheek "so handsome" I say admiring him out loud. I then kiss along his jaw softly until I reach his lips again and press a soft kiss against them "you look quite sexy in a suit" I tell him.

A small smile appears on his face, "as I said before, you look sexy in this little number" he says. "However, I would like the look of it more on my bedroom floor" he whispers going in for another kiss but this time it's filled with more passion and need, however our moment shared is cut short by his work phone ringing "ignore it" he says as he pulls away for a split second.

We continue to kiss as the phone rings, soon enough the dial tone sound is made followed by "Mr. Hiddleston, one of the members of the board is on line four – he said it's urgent". I recognise the voice as our receptionist, I pull away from Tom "always getting interrupted, seriously" he says rolling his eyes reminding me of a child who didn't get what they asked for which causes me to laugh "don't worry babe, we can make up for it" I say with a wink "you bet, come over tonight?" he says as he grabs my hands softly "okay" I say smiling as I look up at him "I can drive us home after work" he says, quickly giving me a small kiss before walking to the other side of the desk.

"Have fun, try not to get too distracted by me walking out of here" I say teasing him once again as I begin to make my way to the door, "I will try my best dear" he says with a small laugh.

Author's note: CEO is nearly finished, but don't worry! there are more chapters still to come, now that CEO is coming near an end I'm currently trying to decide what story to post next - it's between a Tom Hiddleston story or a Sebastian Stan story, tough choice but I really like both of my ideas for them yet I think Tom's story might win (hint: both are multiple chapters! and whatever one I don't post first, I will most likely post right/soon after the first one is finished) Let me know what your thoughts are about this idea! make sure to comment, like and reblog (its much appreciated!) 

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