Chapter nine - New start

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Warnings: none.

Avery's P.O.V

After a long day at work I get home and see Ellie with two takeaway dinner bags. "I got dinner" Ellie's says serving all the different types of food she got "you're amazing" I say as I place my bag down on the kitchen bench. We then go and sit on the couch and get ready to watch a movie or two but talk first before we get started "so how was your day?" I ask "yeah good, I got to finish work early today so I went to James and we had lunch but he ended up getting called in on his day off so we had to squeeze in a quickie" she says causing me to laugh, "how was yours? I know you had your meeting with Tom" she adds.

"It was okay, I got to tell him how I felt about what he said and he apologised, he then offered me a job at Hiddleston Towers" I say "are you kidding? That's great!" Ellie says sitting up in excitement. "I know but I couldn't possibly work three jobs, which I explained and he said to just quit Luke's because it's just a 'waitress' job" I tell Ellie taking a bite of my food, "that's rude" she says "I know but also the pay is amazing, I would make more in a month then I do now with both of my jobs – I'd get $2,200 a month and we wouldn't even have to stress about rent" I tell Ellie.

"Holy shit that's amazing" Ellie says, "what do you think I should do?" I ask. "Honestly, I think you should take the job, I mean it's not forever and the pay is amazing" Ellie says "plus it could lead you to bigger and better things then R&R's editorial because you're too good for them and you know it, Meryl doesn't see your full potential and I think with a new job you could do even more amazing things" she adds.

"You know what, you're right – I'm glad I have you" I say, "I'm going to call Meryl and tell her I quit" I add. "You go baby!" Ellie yells as I walk to get my phone. I dial Meryl's number and wait for her to answer "Hello, Meryl speaking" I hear her say after a few rings "Hi Meryl, it's Avery – I just want to let you know that I've been offered a new job so unfortunately I will be leaving my position at R&R's" I explain "well since this is such late notice you will have to work here for two more months, it's in the work rules – if you even read them" she says "But I-" I begin to say but am cut off "no, not a question, see you at work" she says and hangs up.

"Bitch" I mumble to myself, I then dial Tom's number and after a couple of rings he answers. "Hi Avery" he says "Hi, wait how did you know it was me?" I ask "I have your number saved from when I last called" he explains "oh okay, just letting you know that I will be taking the position but Meryl said I can't leave R&R's yet and that I have to wait two months since that is the company rules" I explain "no, you will be working here by Monday so this Friday will be your last day" Tom says.

"But Meryl said no" I say "leave it with me and I will have it all sorted" he says, "okay, thank you" I say. "Oh and Avery?" Tom says "yes?" I reply "I'm glad you decided to take my offer" he says "I'm glad you asked" I say, we both then say goodbye and I head back to Ellie to watch our movies.


It's now Friday and with the help from Tom it's my last day working at R&R's. I began my morning by cleaning out my office, packing all my personal things and leaving behind what isn't mine, throughout the day I have had many co-workers say goodbye to me and wish me good luck for my future job which I thought was lovely of them. "Hey Avery, thought I'd come and say goodbye" I hear someone say from the door, I turn around and see Mason standing at the door "sure, come in – sorry about the mess" I say with a slight laugh at my attempt to try and keep the office clean whilst I get my belongings.

"Don't worry, mine is worse and I'm not even the one leaving" He replies with a laugh as he walks in and closes the door behind him. "I'm going to miss seeing you around here" he says "aw" I say as I pack a book away – to be honest Mason was nice but it's not like we are close "is it true you're working for Hiddleston Towers?" he asks "yep I am" I say grabbing a few more things "Mr. Hiddleston was the guy that I walked in on, is he?" Mason asks, "yeah" I say with an awkward laugh.

"Well, since this is probably the last we will see of each other, I just want to say I've had a huge crush on you since the first day I met you and I know I made it pretty obvious but I didn't want to regret not ever telling you" Mason says and I turn around to face him "I know it's not genuine feelings because how could I like someone who I don't know anything about but I think I've just always liked the idea of us being together" he explains coming forward so we are standing face to face. "I didn't want you to leave without having some type of closure about if my feelings were true" he adds "oh well, I'm very flattered" I say, "come here" I say opening my arms for a hug – which is the least I could do after he just confessed all of that.

Mason comes and gives be a big hold holding tightly, we pull apart but Mason's hands gently rest on my waist. He pushes back my hair from my face and rests his hand against my cheek softly "can I?" he whispers, lost in the moment I nod slightly – he leans in and our lips meet softly pressed together, my hands rest against his chest as his hands cup my face.

After a short moment, we pull away, the kiss was sweet but it reminded me of when you're in middle school and you kiss your friend, "so, feel anything?" he asks moving his hands from my face and back onto my waist "I'm sorry but no" I say with a small sympathetic smile "surprisingly neither did I" he says with a small laugh "I felt like I was kissing a friend, in the nicest way possible" he explains "so did I!"I say with a laugh "well at least I got closure" he says "you know I heard Stacey has a massive crush on you" I say "really? She's absolutely beautiful" Mason says with a big smile.

"Go talk to her on your lunch break!" I say trying to encourage him, just as Mason is about to reply the door opens causing us both to look in the direction of the door and we are greeted by Tom's appearance. "Avery I thou-" he begins to say but stops once he sees how Mason and I are standing, Masons hands holding my waist as my hands rest against his chest, we both stand apart Mason is the first one to speak "well I wish you the best at your new job" he says to me "Mr. Hiddleston, afternoon" Mason says to Tom then leaves my office closing the door behind him.

Once he left Tom raises his eyebrows at me, "so, quite the hypocrite now" he says. "What?" I ask confused "you assumed I was getting with Lucy in the office and here you are all over Mason" he explains "okay, I wasn't all over him and it's not what it looks like, not that I need to explain" I reply grabbing some books "okay well then what happened?" he asks "well, okay it's exactly what it looked like but there is an explanation" I say. "He came here to wish me good luck at my new job and asked if I was working for you now which I said yes to and then he confessed how he has had feelings for me since the first day we both started working here but he wasn't sure if he liked me or the idea of being with me" I say putting some pens in the box "So I didn't know what to do or say so I just offered a hug, then when he pulled away he asked if he could kiss me which I said yes because I was lost in the moment then after our kiss we both said how we didn't feel anything towards each other" I go on to explain "I then told him how a co-worker likes him and that's when you walked in" I say.

"I see" he says nodding, "also not to be rude but why are you here? I'm just wondering" I say turning to face him. "I came to see if everything went well with Meryl since I have a meeting down the road" he explains "oh well I don't think she is that happy, not because I'm leaving but because she is losing a worker" I say with a laugh, "your work is too good for this anyway" Tom says. After a couple minutes of us discussing what would happen Monday he head off to his meeting as I finish up cleaning and getting ready for a new start.

Author's note: Thank you all for your comments on previous chapters, I appreciate them all so much! hint: big chapter coming next so get ready - enjoy!

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